Our latest Giveaway recipient wrote an update to share with all of you. As I read her post, I realized two things.
1. We picked the right gal!!
2. I need new clothes. I think this is the 3rd picture of me in the last few months in this same outfit.
P.S. I have always known this, but it is much better to give than receive.
I was able to meet “A Girl” in person. She came and brought me the prizes I had won. My husband did laugh at me later on when I was so excited to have gotten an extra prize from Old NFO, an ammo box.
I was able to email with one donor who had given a money gram for ammo and a holster belt. The kindness and willingness to help me to learn things that have been so foreign to me is just amazing.
Yesterday I got to meet up with George Lyons at the NRA range in Fairfax, Va. It is an amazing range. George was very patient with me and helped me learn some new things and also jogged my memory on some of the things I had forgotten I learned in Kathy’s class. One thing I realized after working with George is that when I go to the range I NEED to not only work on my shooting skills but practice all the things I have been taught, like drawing my gun, dropping my magazine and reloading. Those skills need to be so natural that I can do them in seconds when seconds count. THANK YOU George!
Six months ago I would’ve never even dreamed that I would be a lady joining a shooting league, “A Girl & A Gun,” going to the range at least twice a month, traveling to take classes, and stopping at every gun shop I see. My life has changed a lot but I know for the better. I know that my life and my family’s lives are worth protecting. All the fears I personally had about guns have disappeared thanks to “AGirl” and the others who have been so kind to help me learn. Knowledge is power.
very nice post, I’m happy you selected to perfect person for this give-away. I loved her letter to you.
Awesome! Glad to hear you’re putting your training to good use! Pay it forward!!
Very nice! Thanks for the update.
That is very cool stuff. Quite awesome in fact.
Shelby, it’s great to hear good, positive stories of and from people new to guns and shooting. It does not matter how or why they got there.
More people, more good vibes, more power to fight the anti-gunners.
This gal is a winner in more ways than one!
So THAT is where that ammo box went! 🙂 Good for her and glad things are going well! And I’m glad she’s getting out a learning and enjoying the shooting!
And yes, I did mean for her to get the ammo box! Dang thing was too small… 😀
Thank you for posting this. It’s great to see how young and new shooters progress.It’s really cool how she’s taken to shooting. What a winner in more than one way. I’ve always enjoyed your posts but these “success” stories you have are kind of special. Helps my day to be a little bit better.
Hope all the family is well.
stay safe
She was a great student.
I know shooting is becoming a more common skill for women these days. I never used to see women at our range unless they were sitting at the picnic tables under the trees while their husbands shot. The last twenty years have changed the shooting community. Personally, I always adhered to the old Southern maxim that everybody in a family ought to be able to shoot. I have a picture, taken when my daughter was about seven (she’s 28 now) of her cleaning a toy pistol with me at the table while I cleaned my .45. My wife can shoot a shotgun, but she has no time or patience for hand guns.