
MSgt B offered to lend me his Firefly DVD set. I had never heard of the television series before, but thought “Hey if MSgt B thinks it’s good then it must be”. Plus, I figured there was a good chance I would get to see some boobs.

No boobs, but still a really good series.ย  I watched every single episode. Was up until 1am. I don’t do that unless there is tequila involved.

Here are my favorite lines, which if you haven’t seen the show will make no sense.

Things are getting a little more exciting than I normally like them to be.

May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

My work my be illegal, but at least it’s honest.

Here’s a little concept I’ve been working on. Why don’t we shoot her first?

How drunk was I?

Morbid and creepifying I got no problem with.

Can we maybe vote on the whole murdering people issue? That is for Tiger

You found me broken.

Don’t stand for that. Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill ’em right back.

I cuss when it’s appropriate.

The whole point of cussing is that it is inappropriate.

You don’t fix faith. It fixes you.

You had a riot on account of me?

I’ll get better.

Man Woman walks down the street in a hat sunglasses like that, you know he’s she’s not afraid of anything …

You think following the rules will buy you a nice life, even if those rules make you a slave.

I watched the series with my 14 year old. Not entirely sure everything was age appropriate for her, nonetheless, I let her watch. When that last line was said, I looked at her and she said, “I know, I know, I should always follow the rules.”

Me- I don’t want you to be a rule follower.

Her- I will remember that the next time you tell me to clean my room.

Me- Funny. That’s not what I mean. I could tell you what I mean, but I think you already know.

Her- Don’t blindly follow. Know what you believe and why and be willing to stand up for it. Don’t be a sheep. Don’t be what you were.

Me-Yeah, that’s pretty much it.

Her- I listen when you talk.

Me- Go clean your room.

Her- Can we finish the show first?

Me- I suppose.



60 thoughts on “Firefly

  1. Woohoooo!!! Another Brownshirt recruit! I love the line “I aim to misbehave.” That series is so full of awesome lines, and so full of good, honest everyday truths, its both a cryin shame it was cancelled, and pretty obvious why it was. The networks can’t handle that.

    BTW, if you mosey on over to, there’s a TON of “Firefly”/”Serenity”-related gear. Awesome stuff!

    • Thank you. She is very good at banter. She is quick and she is smart. I think I am starting to make a decent size dent in her I hate all things gun:)

  2. Another inductee to the cult of Serenity!
    Check around, you can even get your own Brown Coat!
    Makes a good cover garment for CCW!

  3. Heh! And are you now mad that they cancelled the show after only 11 episodes? How stupid was that?

    I have a t-shirt with Jayne on that says: “You’re beginning to damage my calm.” ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Oh, I love that line. When I heard I said to myself, I am gonna use that with my kids and possibly Arete:)

  4. Not sure I should even say how many times I have watched the whole series – actually I am . . . . and I’m not sayin’!

    Don’t forget the movie – “Serenity” – well worth the time.

    I suspect most folks that visit here would fit very well in the Serenity universe!

  5. “Man Woman walks down the street in a hat sunglasses like that, you know heโ€™s sheโ€™s not afraid of anything โ€ฆ”

    Well played, Ma’am, well played.

    • Ha! I actually received a text from MSgt B harassing me about my sunglasses. I told him I was branching out and trying new things. He said go girl, followed by that line.

      I of course just thought he was being clever, but as soon as I heard the line in reference to Jayne’s hat, I knew immediately what he did there:)

    • We learned a bit of Chinese while adopting our kiddos. Xie xie for the links.

      I am not familiar with where Guanxiong China is.

      • North east corner nearest Taiwan. It’s what the Chinese call the free trade zone. Never got there myself but the reps did visit here often.

        My favorite line is from Heart of Gold “Gen houzi bi diou shi”, applies well it irrational antigun grabbers.

        Translation of that is; a feces hurling contest with a monkey.

        I’ll close with

        Zhufu ni, meimei.

        (wo shi he shang yi ren)

  6. You missed one of *my* personal favorites, which pretty much sums up probably everyone here…..

    “What does that make us?”

    “Big damn heros, sir.”

    My Jayne Cobb, Han Solo, and Boondock Saints tee shirts are my favorites to wear to the range.

    • Yeah, that is one of the bests. I could pretty much just quote the entire dialog, but that would have taken to long:)

  7. My favorite show EVER.
    The sad thing is I watched it when it was on TV, and I tried to describe the awesomeness to my friends. They thought the show sounded dumb. about 5 or 6 years later they all asked me if I have seen the Firefly DVDs… I told them yes, and what they said years ago………..

    • I am so far behind on these things, but now I can’t wait to watch the episodes again! You were just ahead of the game.

  8. I think Firefly requires a certain independent/libertarian mindset. I’ve yet to meet a fan I didn’t like. It surprises me not a whit to find you among the ranks. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Ha Ha – You’ll never be the same.

    I have Serenity on DVD as well, whenever you’d like to check it out.
    I think it’s better that I missed the series when it came out on TV. The DVD set has extra episodes that were never aired, and they help the storyline flow better.
    My wife and I did the same thing you did. We thought we would watch an episode or two now and then. We ended up planted on the couch on a Saturday all afternoon and into the evening.
    Also not going to admit how many times I’ve watched it over again (and Serenity).

  10. Mal: “We’re not gonna die. We can’t die, Bendis. And you know why? Because we are so… very… pretty.”

  11. Here are several more of my favs:

    Mal: Jayne, your mouth is talking. You might wanna look to that.

    Jayne: We’re just happy to be doin’ good works.

    Mal: I believe that woman’s plannin’ to shoot me again.

    Mal: That’s what governments are for… get in a man’s way.

    Mal: You don’t know me son, so let me explain this to you once. If I ever kill you, you’ll be awake. You’ll be facing me, and you’ll be armed.

  12. Jayne: Don’t much see the benefit in gettin’ involved in stranger’s troubles without a up-front price negotiated.
    Shepherd Book: These people need assistance. The benefit wouldn’t necessarily be for you.
    Jayne: That’s what I’m sayin’.
    Zoรซ: No one’s gonna force you to go, Jayne. As has been stated, this job is strickly speculative.
    Jayne: Good. Don’t know these folks, don’t much care to.
    Mal: They’re whores.
    Jayne: I’m in.

  13. That show had some of the best writing I’ve seen on TV.

    Mal: My days of not taking you seriously are coming to a definite middle.

    Shepherd Book (yes, I shamelessly stole my blog name from Firefly): if you take sexual advantage of her, you’re going to burn in a very special level of Hell. A level the reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater.

  14. Along with everyone else, welcome to the Firefly fans.
    My brother first introduced me to it when it came out. To this day, “I can’t keep track of her even when she’s not in-corporeally possessing a spaceship” is his standard reply whenever someone asks about me.

    Love the conversation with your daughter at the end. She’s a clever one, alright.

    Hope all goes well with you and yours.

  15. Always been a favorite. My collection has been loaned out so frequently I had to tape the box…
    Saw a guy this weekend at an anime convention dressed as Jayne Cobb – with the hat. It was great. Reminded us that Browncoats lurk everywhere!

  16. What? You missed “Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal”? I will give you a pass as a new Browncoat, LOL! Love the hat sunglasses thing though!

  17. Yes, talk with that 14 year old, my 14 year old is 21 and she calls me often sometimes it’s “dad, the Car is doing funny things”, but mor often it’s “dad are you busy?”, but when she was 14 or so, she came home from school and confessed that she had lied to an adult. The school nurse, during the school physical asked her if there were guns in the house, and she figured that since that question had nothing to do with her health, it really wasn’t any of her business, besdides anyone that would ask so stupid a question didn’t deserve an honest answer.

    • Oh, we do lots of role playing on talking to others about guns and even talking to the police. Thanks for the good example.

  18. Oh, perhaps the best one that sums all of this up here is this one. I will paraphrase: “She’s a Witch!” “Yep but she is our witch and we want her back”. For you to tell your story and journey here with total honesty and candor for better or worse I think I speak for many here. You have become our witch. We will come back for you. I don’t think you will need it though.

    Just don’t tell me you can kill me with your mind. Hell I might just believe it with your determination!

  19. Firefly huh?

    My wife and I LOVE THAT SHOW. Yes we have the DVD as well as ‘Serenity’.

    I really like it when Mal was marooned and buck naked and said, “that went well’.

    Yes the show Firefly was sort of John Wayneish. But then I’m to the right politically and philosophically of the Duke.

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