I have friend who is a gunnie and first rate Patriot who just hours ago lost her entire home to a fire.
The details are sketchy as they were told to me by her mom, but my friend, Ce, smelled something burning, went outside to explore and found her roof on fire. She and her husband were able to get their 3 kids and animals out of the house safely. They lives so far out that help was not possible and they lost everything!
I do not know all their needs, but they have 3 small boys who probably could use some clothes and maybe a toy or two. If anyone is willing to donate old clothes or other items laying around the house please leave a message here or email me.
The boys sizes are 5T, 3T and 18-24 months.
I would greatly, greatly appreciate any help you might be able to provide!
Update: If you would like to mail stuff to her send it to:
P.O Box 609 Greenville TX 75403
I would love to donate a lot of items…clothes & toys for the boys, and also some clothes and household items for the patriot & her man (although I’d need sizes for them).
Please let me know where to ship them!
Thank you!! I spoke with her, but she is a bit frazzled. As soon as I get an address, I will let you know.
Thank you!!!!!
Contact info would help a LOT, as would a PayPal donation button!
Erin, I got the info an hour ago. It just happened. When I get an address I will post it.
Standing by…
I’ll get with the wife, we have a little girl, so I doubt the boys will want pink HelloKitty tshirts, but jeans/shorts are usually pretty universal.
Also, what sizes for the adults?
Please let me have a contact address ASAP. You say they were/are gunnies? Did all their weapons and ammo go up as well? If so, we should perhaps look into providing something suitably defensive as well.
I can’t do anything until tomorrow, but I’ll get onto it. I have a few things I can do.
In the meantime, wouldn’t it be best to set up an anonymous mailing address instead? I’m seriously concerned about a physical address posted here.
I’m living day to day, but I will be sure to pass this to all my friends who might be able to help.
We don’t have much, but a small amount of cash is on its way. Thanks for the address.
Thank you!!!
I just happened to be passing through. I’m a Texas boy myself. I’m a tad broke,and haven’t got any kids so no clothes for the kiddies to contribute, but I’ll boost the signal and post it to my facebook page and ask folks to to pass it along, if they can’t do anything else.
Really appreciate it!!!
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I have a personal friend here in Texas who are personal friends with this family. Small world! She is doing a donation drive for them also. Good to hear how we are gathering together to help those in need. Love to see it and hear about it.
It is a small world and how awesome of her!!!
Thank you all. I just posted a update of our status on AGirls update. I have also provided her our PO Box so that she can post it. My husband is a knife maker when he gets the urge/time with three small boys around! (evcrawfish on YouTube). We so appreciate the outpouring of love and welcome all prayers and well wishes.
Serenity- would you mind emailing who you know? I think I may have a idea- but I’d love to tell her our paths have crossed! You can email me directly at [email protected].
God Bless all of you!
All of my boys are much older now and I’ve already donated our hand me downs. Would a Walmart card with some $$ be ok?
Mark, that would very appreciated. Thank you!!