Give-A-Way Winner-Karen’s Story

I think most people are aware that when I do a Give-A-Way I require nothing in return.  Nothing.  No one has to like my FB page or donate to my favorite cause or tell me they think I am wonderful.  They do not have to share their name or their story.  They are free to take the money and run, literally.  When people approach me and ask if they can contribute to a Give-A-Way I am doing or ask to fund one, the only parameter I place on them, is that this is a true gift. They can not ask anything from the winner/s.  As you know each person who has contributed a gift or money has come to me out of the goodness of their hearts and want nothing more than to remain in the background asking nothing in return.  They rock like that.

My goal has always been to give something back to a community(yes, I said community) that gave so much to me.  Similar to the military people in my life, that will be a life long venture.  I also do the Give-A-Ways because I want to do whatever I can, no matter how small, to contribute positively in the life of another.  If all goes well, part of that contribution will be that they are safer and more prepared.  That is the reward for me.  I know that is sappy and kitchy, but it’s true.  The level to how to true it is can not be expressed by me.  Every single time I do a Give-A-Way, I am astounded by the stories of the folks who win.  I am humbled continually that god(not capitalized on purpose) and the universe allow me to share in the lives of these women.

One of our latest winners, Karen, was gracious enough to share part of her story…I edited it a little for privacy.

My History with Guns

I grew up in the sticks so, I am not brand new to a shotgun. Growing up I was taught to, very simply, respect guns. My father taught both my brother and myself to respect the weapon and to be safe. Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction, correct stance, correct grip, ear/eye protection, etc. I remember when I was very young, I would watch as my father would reload shotguns shells in the basement. At that time, guns were fun – it was something I did with my Dad and I loved that.

My junior year of high school, guns changed for me. My Aunt was in the middle of a divorce and it was actually a very positive move on her part – it should have been done years earlier. The two of them were supposed to sign divorce papers on Tuesday, April 11. However, on Sunday, April 9 – he came to her house, while her roommate had gone to the store. As for how he got there, we all have our suspicions – but no one actually knows for sure, because he did not drive there himself. To make a long, terrible story slightly shorter – I will skip to the end. He (my Uncle – I cringe calling him that) shot my Aunt in the temple at point blank range and killed her. She never had a chance. He also shot her roommate three times upon her return from the store. After a stand-off with police at a friend’s house (the friend was not involved in the shooting) he also killed himself. I did not a touch a gun after that for six years.

Overcoming that situation took a long time. It has been a long, hard road for everyone in my family and the community (my Aunt was well loved by many, many people). Two and a half years ago, I met my current boyfriend – K. He is amazing and has always been very supportive and patient with me when it comes to firearms. He and his family really enjoy handguns and love going to the range together. The first time he showed me his Mom’s handgun, I just looked at it. The next time the topic came up and he pulled it out of her case, I actually held it – but afterward, I cried. Eventually, I became more comfortable being around the guns and holding the guns. K will tell you – he never thought I would be where I am now. I completed my conceal carry class and have my permit (I will be picking it up tomorrow! Yay!), I own a gun, I shoot as often as I can and am in the process of building a range (slowly, but surely) on the family farm.

I know you were probably were not asking for all of this and if I over shared – I am sorry! I am proud of the progress I have made and proud of the person I have become. I left so much out of the story, simply because it is a lot to tell. I used to have a hard time sharing all of that, but I figured, people (women, especially) could learn from her story.

I shot several hand guns before I chose my S&W M&P. K and I went to the range and I rented gun after gun. The very first time I shot the M&P, I put all 12 rounds in the center red section of the target. K was impressed and I was infatuated with the gun! I bought my own only a few weeks later.

Thanks so much! Also, if you have any words of wisdom – I am always eager to learn! 

I giggled when she said she was sorry if she over shared.  I wrote back and said “Have you read my blog?” “I am the queen of rambling and sharing.”…lol

I also told her she had ever right to proud of how far she has come.  I think she is quite remarkable.

5 thoughts on “Give-A-Way Winner-Karen’s Story

  1. What an amazing story. I wish her all the best and I hope she enjoys shooting as much as we do.

    AGirl, it is an amazing thing you do, touching people’s hearts with these giveaways.

  2. A Girl And Her Gun,
    Congratulations to Karen for winning the Give-A-Way. I also want to Thank Karen for sharing her story and for you AG&HG for posting this story. You’ve both opened your hearts and shared your stories, which in turn will help educate women that violence against women is not acceptable. We will learn the proper way to handle guns to better protect ourselves and our family members.

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