
I got an email from someone, several actually, commending me for how I have handled the criticism on my training.  I told them that actually it isn’t all that impressive because the comments have been 99% positive and in support of me and my training versus 1% not so much.  Nothing to get worked up about, but also if a person is comfortable with who they are (and I am) and the choices they make there is no need to get upset with those who disagree.  Changing who you are to please others is just silly.  If you do they will not care and you will be left unhappy.  If I was going to change who I was for others I would have done it when I started carrying a gun and I lost friends, good friends.  People I had a history and a fondness for, but I didn’t change what I believed to be right, so a few people I didn’t even know existed  2 days ago, them disagreeing with me doesn’t even hit my radar.  Yes, some people were ugly, but that really says more about them then it does me. 

I can’t remember where I left a comment about why I train the way I train, but the response…was your an idiot, I bet you don’t even have a flak jacket.  No, no I don’t.  Oh my, how that pleased me.  I know it was meant as an insult, but I just kept thinking a year ago I turned off City Slickers because it was too violent and now someone thinks I am doing an activity so dangerous it would require (in his mind) a flak jacket.  I can not tell you how happy that made me. 

I have been getting emails and comments from people who never knew who I was before people started talking about me.  I have met folks I never would have met.  People have been exposed to more than my training, they have been exposed to me and my story and they have been touched.  Beautiful.

Through Say Uncle posting twice(I enjoyed those dialogs and comments) and Caleb at Gun Nuts Media, I think I got exposure I never would have got.  Even though these two have opposite opinions about my kind of training(not me specifically, just the training I do) they both presented what I think are respectful and thoughtful opinions on an issue that is not black and white. All the chitchat has brought some VERY cool opportunities my way.  I am beyond excited about them.

The very best thing is that my training, something I am doing for myself, being authentically me, is generating a discussion on training.  My post got 70 comments and I think I must have received at least half that many emails.  Other blogs have reached people and the discussion is on going.  People who read me and have thought, I don’t think I can carry a gun, but I do think I could take some self defense classes are now actually going to take those classes.  My behavior has influenced discussion and thought and action.  Unbelievably awesome!!!

In my eyes that is a win, win, win!!  Have I mentioned lately how much I love my life????

There is more joy to come too. Soon I will write about National Take your Daughter To The Range Day which was just too good for words!!

23 thoughts on “Win

  1. Yeah, I agree with OldNFO…to hell with him! LOL

    Someone once said (and its been attributed to various people, including Dr. Seuss), “Always be yourself. Those who mind, don’t matter. And those who matter, don’t mind.” Part of life is growing. You’ve grown from the person who, for some strange reason, thought “City Slickers” was a violent movie (you should try to find “When Trumpets Fade”. Best, most accurate war movie ever made, IMHO.), into someone who’s not only figured out who she is, but is confident in herself, wise enough to know that she needs to know more, and gracious enough to pass along her knowledge to others (your contests? Total Win! And Mrs.A got that book you sent, THANK YOU!!!). You are what’s best in humanity, that shining light that stands up to the darkness inside those parking-lot arsewipes and says “Oh, yeah, BRING IT!” You, AGirl, are an inspiration to us all. And to those who don’t get it…don’t mind them, cuz they don’t matter.

    • The “violence” in City Slickers that bothered me was the part where the guys are in the tent discussing their best and worst day and the one guy has the gun and puts it to his face kind of…to close to home with my brother. I can watch it now, but before if things hurt or were difficult I dealt by turning away and not thinking about it.

    • Its been so long since I’ve seen that movie, I’ve forgotten most of it (not my first choice in movie genres, actually). I’m truly sorry for your loss. I had no idea.

  2. Overall I think you are doing great. A specific hint, or criticism if you will, is it would be a good idea to evaluate pain early on to determine between “That hurt” (just pain) and “I’m hurt” (injury), and act on the injury a little sooner than three or four days later. 🙂

    No you shouldn’t get hurt every time out, or even every month, but when you start going “at speed” it is possible. Really important to have partners you can trust, who are in control of themselves. But without testing your actions and yourself at speed, in full opposition, you can’t have genuine faith you can do it “for real.” And part of “at speed” is taking and giving some thumps.

    When an outsider says “hey, this is nuts,” it is not necessarily a bad thing to stop and reflect for a moment, to make sure you haven’t moved from “necessary risk” to “out there.” But if they include “idiot” in the statement, that’s a clue they are probably not speaking from a thorough analysis of what you are really doing…

    Apparently a lot of people are spooked by this. We have had a couple people leave our group because they could not handle the level of…aggressiveness I guess…that we train at. And this was nowhere near having torn cartilage and such, it was really pretty low level.

    You really need to come train with some of us Texans… 🙂

    • Eric, you are 100% right. I am not reckless and while I am so proud that not getting hurt is no longer my sole purpose I do everything I do in order to be safe. But I believe in risks and I think in order to be safe sometimes one has to take risk…regardless, not going to the doctor was ignorance. Don’t like going and people said if your ribs are broke there is nothing the docs can do. It did not occur to me that I could have punctured a lung etc. my doctor said, I don’t care if you train hard and I don’t care about the ribs, I care that next time you come in right away, so I can make sure you don’t have a blood clot. That made perfect sense and I said absolutely I promise and I meant it:)

      I really appreciate you leaving that kind and honest criticism.

      Coming to train with you Texans is on my list I assure you!

  3. At first I was shocked that you actually lost friends!? Really? Then I remembered the look on my new neighbor’s face when she came into a ‘gun house’. I don’t tell anyone that I’m carrying and I don’t mention training. But my husband hauls out the targets or photos and shows them proudly. So, I let it be. After the posts I’ve written lately, I will no longer be dictated to by anyone.

    But Eric sure has a nice way of offering his opinion and he’s right on target.

    • Yep, a few friends were ok with me shooting for “sport”, but not self defense and others were ok with me using it for self defense, but just could not handle that I enjoyed it for fun. It became the central thing for them.

      Husbands are pretty cool cheerleaders aren’t they?!

      Eric does have a way with words. I have come to value his comments(along with others).

  4. Do what you will, train how you feel will serve you best. Carry your guns, and be safe out there. What more can a friend want.

    Oh and try to stay out of the damn hospital! They suck!

    • 🙂 yes, I will concede that hospitals are broken ribs stink. I have time to blog today because I am taking it easy…I over estimated how much I would be able to do this weekend.

    • Told you to rest and take it easy. Had the broken rib bit about 6 mos ago (didn’t get mine the sameway) but they dont heal as fast as we would like. Mine still let me know when I have done to much, so rest when you can.

    • Lol, and I listened. I rested last night after the NTYDTTRD and most of today. Currently I am snuggled on the couch with my sick daughter watching Eat Streets…we are getting hungry:)

  5. So what I get from this post is you aren’t getting enough disagreement. 1%? That isn’t cutting it. I will have to start upping the agitation. 🙂

    If nothing else, getting a discussion going and opening eyes is always a win.

    • Ha, not really looking to increase the negative, but I tend to avoid it anyway. I have not been back to the places that are not so nice. Don’t mind it, but also do not benefit from it in anyway, so there is no point or value to me therefore I dont bother.

      Respectful & intelligent discussion is good.

  6. “Have I mentioned lately how much I love my life????’

    Read that sentence. Read it again. Frame it.

    Now, think back to posts months back when you were worried about what kind of example you were for your daughter.
    And I told you that you were a great example.

    Congratulations. You win the internets. Forever.

    But, please. Stay. Out. Of. The. Hospital.

    • Ok, yes sir. I am going to stay out of the hospital. I will add some layers of protection to up odds that any injuries will not require a trip to the doc:) Don’t know what that means yet, but…

      Thank you!!!!

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