
I have a very busy one. Tonight I am helping my 14 year old get ready for formal, then meet up with her friends at the park for pictures and fun. Tomorrow I have the NTYDTTRD and Sunday we have appointment with our lawyer and dinner with friends. My husband is taking taking our daughter on a kayaking trip as well. Lots of fun, but I will be busy, busy, busy. I will catch up with you all on Monday. Have a safe and fun time!!!

15 thoughts on “Weekend

  1. i hope that you have a great weekend and i hope that your daughter has a wonderful time!

    your friend,

  2. Have fun, but remember the fundamentals: BREATHE! LOL

    Kayaking…been once or twice, it was always fun, but canoeing..now, THAT’s what I loved to do! Oh, and if your hubby is a true manly man, he doesn’t just use *any* kayak…check out building a Greenland Kayak

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