My Glock Guy

When I very first started out on my journey, I didn’t know anyone who knew about guns.  I knew a lot of military people, but they were not gun folks and I had no idea where to go to find information.  I needed a holster for my first Conceal Carry For Self Defense Class, so I think I ended up going to Gander Mountain, but there was nothing for a lefty.  I am pretty sure it was there that the salesman told me about an upcoming gun show.  He suggested I try looking there for a holster.  It was at that gun show I met My Glock Guy

I actually call him My Glock Guy.  That is how he is listed in my contacts. He was really the very first Gunnie I ever met and he was the very first one that gave me a glimpse into the character of the people that make up this community. He is exactly who I am talking about in my Open Letter.

He is one of those individuals that says what he means and means what he says. He told me I could count on him to help me and he has never let me down.  As he helped me learn about my Glock, we developed a friendship.  He and his lovely gal have come to our house for dinner.   We send texts of silliness. I email him when I have a Glock issue.  He calls me when it’s midnight and he has had a bit too much jack and coke.  Those are fun!  For the most part our relationship has been light-hearted and carefree, but recently that changed.

About a month ago, he called me to tell me he had prostate cancer and it was bad. The cancer is pretty aggressive, so an aggressive form of action is required. In a few weeks he will be going into surgery and I am asking all of you to join me in sending him words of encouragement, good thoughts and if you are the praying kind, prayers, lots and lots of prayers.

36 thoughts on “My Glock Guy

  1. he will be in our prayers, too…and i truly believe that prayers really do work!

    your friend,

  2. Prayers from me as well. Praying for a successful surgery, and a complete recovery. Kick cancer’s ass!

    2A Mama – a cancer co-survivor since 2010

  3. “He is one of those individuals that says what he means and means what he says”

    I like people like that. My prayers and best wishes for a positive and speedy recovery. *hug*

    • Me too and not everyone is like that. Mi am spoiled, I have lots of high character folks in my life, but I have also had some posers…lol

      Thank you!

  4. I want to take a moment to thank everyone for their prayers, support, and encouragement. I especially want to thank AGaHG for thinking enough of me and our relationship to post this. Thank you!

    When AGaHG asked if I was ok with this post, I was flattered but also hopeful that by doing so maybe some guy reading this might think about getting his PSA checked. I’m a 36yo guy and the last thing I expected my Doc to tell me was a abnormal blood result was my PSA level. And its been a process to say the least….and during the process they kept telling me “it’s highly unlikely it’s cancer” “you’d have better chances of winning the lottery than having cancer at 35(then)”. Well I won the cancer lottery. So it just goes to show…that you never know.

    I’m going to be fine in the end (insert joke) and with God on my side….who or what can defeat this Glock Guy?…except maybe A Girl and Her Glock…err I mean Gun lol
    God Bless y’all, Thank You, and warm barrel Regards!
    Her Glock Guy
    “Sic semper evello mortem Tyrannis!”

  5. Truly shocking. It really hits me since I’m in the same age bracket. Sending prayers.

  6. I wish the best for you, Glock guy!
    I want to post a poem -in spanish, I know- but its a good one for you.

    No te des por vencido, ni aún vencido,
    no te sientas esclavo, ni aún esclavo;
    trémulo de pavor, piénsate bravo,
    y acomete feroz, ya mal herido.
    Ten el tesón del clavo enmohecido
    que ya viejo y ruin, vuelve a ser clavo;
    no la cobarde estupidez del pavo
    que amaina su plumaje al primer ruido.
    Procede como Dios que nunca llora;
    o como Lucifer, que nunca reza;
    o como el robledal, cuya grandeza
    necesita del agua, y no la implora…
    Que muerda y vocifere vengadora,
    ya rodando en el polvo, tu cabeza !

    I dont have the hability to translate a poem -my english its very weak, as you can see-…but I promise its a good one! You maybe have a spanish spoken friend who can help…

    • PabloM, thank you. One of my daughter’s best friends is Hispanic and bilingual, so I can get this translated easily. Thank you!

  7. From

    Do not give up, or even expired,
    do not be slave, not even a slave;
    trembling with fear, piénsate brave,
    and rushes fierce, and badly wounded.
    Have the tenacity of rusty nail
    that was old and shabby, returns to nail;
    not the craven stupidity of turkey
    that subsides plumage the first sound.
    Proceed as God who never cries;
    or Lucifer, who never reads;
    or as the oak, whose greatness
    needs water, not begging …
    To bite and avenging thunders,
    and rolling in the dust, your head!

    • Several other versions, from other translators (these from

      You do not give up, not even expired,
      Don’t be slave, or even slave;
      quivering in fear, thinking you bravo,
      and you undertake fierce, already badly wounded.
      Note the determination of the Moldy nail
      that already old and ruin, returns to be clove;
      not the cowardly stupidity of Turkey
      that it abates its plumage to the first noise.
      It comes as the God who never cries;
      or as Lucifer, which never reads;
      or as el robledal, whose greatness
      It needs water, and not her implores…
      He is beaten and vocifere vengeful,
      already rolling in the dust, your head!


      But don’t give up, not even expired,
      Don’t feel slave, nor even slave;
      Into tremulous acts of fright, outstanding location than you should consider bravo,
      Hablar and fierce, already badly injured.
      The perseverance of the Ten nail moldy
      That old and vicious, returns to be nail;
      Not the cowardly stupidity of turkey
      That continues unabated its plumage to the first noise.
      Originates as the God who never cries;
      Or as Lucifer, who never reads;
      Or as the Robledal, whose greatness
      You need the water, and not the cries …
      That bite and many children backtalk vengeful,
      Already rolling in the dust, your head !

      Do not give up, not still defeated,
      feel(sit down) neither slave, nor still slave;
      tremulous of dread, think you bravely,
      and fierce, already bad injured man attacks.
      Have the firmness of the rusty nail
      that already old and mean, it is a nail again;
      not the cowardly stupidity of the turkey
      that its plumage abates to the first noise.
      It proceeds like God who never cries;
      or like Lucifer, which never prays;
      or like the oak grove, which nobility
      he(she) needs the water, and does not beg it…
      That bites and avenger shouts,
      already rolling in the dust, your head!

  8. I think this last one its the best. A very inspiring poem…

    Do not give up, not still defeated,
    feel(sit down) neither slave, nor still slave;
    tremulous of dread, think you bravely,
    and fierce, already bad injured man attacks.
    Have the firmness of the rusty nail
    that already old and mean, it is a nail again;
    not the cowardly stupidity of the turkey
    that its plumage abates to the first noise.
    It proceeds like God who never cries;
    or like Lucifer, which never prays;
    or like the oak grove, which nobility
    he(she) needs the water, and does not beg it…
    That bites and avenger shouts,
    already rolling in the dust, your head!

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