Don’t Be An Idiot

When I am angry at someone, I call them an idiot.  It is my big what were you thinking word.

Yesterday, I was reading a post by 45er and it included a video. The video is of a robbery and it shows a woman being robbed, stabbed, then running away and leaving her child behind.  Idiot.

Some of you might think that is mighty harsh coming from a woman who essentially did the same thing.  You might assume that I would feel a kinship with her. That I could relate to whatever left wing crap was feed into her mind to bring her to that point.  That I would understand the bullshit of lie that was so convincing to her that not only did she think it was ok to leave her child in a vulnerable spot, she actually did it. You might say to yourself, talk about an idiot, have you looked in the mirror lately lady? 

The truth is, I do feel a kinship with her and I do wonder how she got so far away from her natural instinct to protect her child.  I do look in the mirror and I see her face staring back at me. I thought a lot about her last night and how gut wretchedly sick to her stomach she must be over the reality of her actions.  I want to find her and hold her and support her the way you all have supported me.  I have cried more tears for her then I have ever cried for myself, but, no matter how much I feel for her, for her child, the fact still remains she was an idiot.

Just to be clear,  I say idiot in reference to myself and my mistake too. My husband always takes offense to it.  He does not like when I say it, but I have never been much of a sugar coater and there is no point in pretending. I was an idiot.  It doesn’t matter if I was only doing what I knew, what I was conditioned to to do.  It doesn’t matter if this woman panicked because, she like me, didn’t know any better. True or not, it was stupid and pretending it was anything else is dangerous. 

There is a HUGE difference between self pity and truth.  I am speaking truth here. I speak it for one reason and one reason only, I don’t want anyone else to know this kind of truth.

Some of you reading this blog have not done all you need to do to protect yourself or your family.   You know there is something more you are suppose to be doing, but something is stopping you.  Maybe you are afraid or maybe you are pretending that bad things don’t happen all that often, I don’t know, but if you keep pretending, I fear you are in grave danger of becoming an idiot.