A Couple Of Things

A month or so ago, I got an email from James at The Typical Shooter blog.  He wanted to know if he could do a write up on me and link to the story I wrote for Aaron at Weapon Blog.  I said yes and he did.  If you are interested you can go here.  The article itself does not offer anything new to my story, but he offers his perspective.  If nothing else head on over to check out his other articles.  He has really good stuff and it’s an excellent resource for the new shooters in the groups.

I wanted to thank all of you for heading to She’s a Garand Gal and offering your support.  As you can imagine this has not been easy on her. 

This morning I read over at Say Uncle that Josh Horwitz has a problem with guns and those who own them, even the legal ones. Here is part of that article…

Looman admits that he regularly “open carries” a firearm. Open Carry is not necessary for self-defense–just about every state that allows the practice also has liberal Concealed Carry laws. Open Carry is instead a political statement in the best tradition of John Wilkes Booth, Timothy McVeigh, Sharron Angle and Ted Nugent. The message is, “Voting is peachy, but if we can’t get what we want through the ballot, we reserve the right to administer ‘Second Amendment remedies.'” Such insurrectionist ideology has been spoon-fed to right wing Americans for years by the National Rifle Association (NRA) and its Executive Vice-President, Wayne LaPierre. 

I don’t know enough about the laws or why every single person who open carries chooses to do so and I don’t know enough about John Wilkes Booth, Timothy McVeigh or even the Nug to comment on what political statement they were or are trying to make, but I can comment on the completely insane idea that  legal gun owners go into a voting site or anywhere for that matter with the idea of strong arming others into doing what they want.  If Mr. Horwitz bothered to read a single book or blog or talking to any law abiding, legally licensed gun owner then he would know that not one of them is trying to force anyone into anything.  Actually he does know that.  He is patently aware of all the numbers and the motives of those who legally carry a firearm, but his point is not to inform, it is to scare.

Here is the deal, people who legally own guns are looking to protect themselves from the bad guy. You know the one who is trying to force himself on others.  And by force, I mean grabbing their arm and shoving them onto the pavement and then laying on top of them. I mean by taking out a knife and stabbing someone violently.  I mean busting into a woman’s house after she barricaded the door.  I mean force. In addition, I don’t know a single gun owner that is trying to make a law requiring all people to carry guns.  Sure a blogger or two might reminisce about a time in our country’s history where men were required to carry guns and the people respected The Constitution, but they are not trying to force anything on anyone else. All they want is for the folks that are elected to uphold The Constitution actually do just that.

There is no force or threat by the mere presence of a gun.  If there were my daughter’s bedroom would not be a pigsty right now.  My daughter is 13, she is well aware of the rules.  She knows I will not be pleased and that I am not a pushover and she is gonna have to clean it up.  She also knows I carry a gun and have no problem using it on a bad guy and she knows that no matter how annoyed I get with her constant teenage need to buck the system, I am not gonna use the gun on her.  She has zero fear that I or my husband or our 20 year old son or any of our friends are going to “administer our second amendment” rights as a “remedy” to the problem.  I serve on the PTA and everyone there knows I carry(not at the school) and many of them disagree with me, sometimes passionately and yet not one of them fears I will force my opinion on them by using my gun. The mere presence of my gun(if we are at my house or theirs or at a restaurant) does not intimidate any one of them to change their opinion.  None of them are afraid of me, at all and my gun is right there the whole time. The gun CAN NOT hurt anyone. The gun can not threaten them or force them into anything.  I would have to be the threat.  I would have to decide to use the gun in order to make any kind of force possible. 

The fear is not from the gun or even from Mr. Looman.  No one was afraid of Mr. Looman and no one there thought, not even for a second that they should change their vote because a man with a gun walked into the school.  They are not afraid at all.  Mr. Horwitz has all the facts.  These people like Josh Horwitz are looking for control.  They want to control all the money, all the jobs, all the weapons.  They want to tell you and me how much we are worth and lets be clear, they place very little value on us. These anti gun people want power in every possible way and they are  lying and using fear to get it.  In general if someone intentionally tries to scare me, it usually works.  These people scare the hell out of me and they should scare you too.  If someone lies to you for “your own good”, you might want to think twice about giving them too much power over your money, your freedoms and most especially your safety.

Lastly, I don’t write this post with any hope that Josh Horowitz is going to change his mind, evil rarely does, but I write it for you, the one who might still be on the fence.  If you are not convinced that the anti gun crowd will use any possible means to lie to you go here and read Weer’d’s post.  As you do, think about this, I use what happened to me as a way to say “Hey, I made a mistake” and because I don’t want anyone else to make that same mistake.  I don’t want anyone to be able to hurt you and so I share my ugly mistake and say here are a few things I learned, perhaps they could help you.  You are in full control of whether you want to take those suggestions and nothing that I do is a lie or is used for my own benefit, nothing.  You should look at the people behind the tweets and blogs and see who they are and what they want before you decide to make yourself a sacrificial lamb for their cause. 

T & A

I have been wanting to have pictures taken of me and my gun for a while, but I haven’t been able to figure out exactly what I want those pictures to look like.  I am not creative at all.  I am a very linear thinker.  The other day I saw this on the Glock Facebook page

I love it!  This woman is very sexy and strong, but not trashy.  I, of course, do not want to copy her photo, but I think this is the type of picture I would like to do. So I took to the internet to find other images.  You might be surprised to learn I did not find many photos such as these.  What I did find were lots of photos like this

My first thought was, yes, yes, yes, this is exactly how I dress when I am training.  Since I got my new belt holster, I have had to make a few minor adjustments to my training outfits, but this picture pretty much covers it, or uncovers it as it were.  The risk to taking pictures of my actual training regime is that I would be informing the enemy of and thus taking away my tactical advantage.

In a surprisingly short conversation with my husband, we decided that it would not be wise to display so much of my T & A(Tactical Advantage), so the search continues.

Act Of Valor

Today my husband left work early and we went to the theater to see Act Of Valor.  If you have been reading my blog long then you know this is not my typical choice in a movie, but I wanted to see it very much.  I had read that is was originally intended to be a recruitment video, so I am not sure what I thought it would be, but I guess I pictured people jumping out of helos with upbeat patriotic music in the background.  It is not that kind of movie.

I feel like it would diminish those who serve and sacrifice for our country for me to offer any kind of review and I certainly would not dishonor them by drawing any kind of parallel between what I have been through and what they choose to do on a daily bases, although I will say I do not think it was a coincidence that I saw this movie on this day.

The movie speaks for itself, go see it.

A Look Back

I do not know the exact day that my daughter and I were walking in that parking lot.  I foolishly did not file a police report, I did not go to the doctor, in fact, for for a couple of days I was kind of in a fog.  I know it was the beginning of March and that it was only a couple weeks before my Conceal Carry class, but the exact date I am not sure.  It’s irrelevant really, but here it is March again and that makes it about a year since that day.  The ups and downs have been well documented on this blog, fortunately I think there have been far more good things than bad.  Lets take a look at all that has happened since that day:

I bought a gun.  A Glock .27 to be exact
I took an intense training
I learned to trust myself
I got stronger
I learned to take risks
I learned to forgive myself
I learned the truth is always better than the lie, even if that lie is to protect others.
I shot a lot of guns
I met some incredible people-Do you know I still get several hundred people a week that view that post?
I became stronger
I learned how to take care of myself
I bought enough ammo to arm a small country…shot most of it
I bought a Ruger LCP
I bought a Thompson .22LR for my daughter
I bought a Mosin Nagant
I took 2 more training classes and have a 3rd one scheduled for this month
I introduced a friend to shooting and later this year she will be attending her first training
I contributed to helping a woman get training and a receive whole heck of a lot of gear
I helped support other woman both financially and emotional on their journey to becoming more free
I cussed a bit
I am learning how to stand up for myself
I got a new BFF
I learned I am tougher than I thought
I learned the difference between double action and single action(that was a hard fought battle)
I was reminded of what really matters and how to fight for it
I learned what tongue punch meant(not everything was good)
I learned that it is ok to freak out
I learned I won’t break
I am helping my daughter heal
I am healing
I discovered a new passion
I faced fears and overcame them
I lost 10 pounds
I took chances
I find courage and strength I never knew I had.  I found it in the support and love of others and I found it in myself.  All and all I would say it has been a pretty good year.

Quote Of The Day

“Ever since you started carrying, I am hyper aware of everything going on around me.”-my 13 year old daughter.

On Thursday nights my daughter and I crawl into my bed and we read. She brings her favorite book and I have mine. I make a pot of tea and she gets a plate of cookies, usually something with lemon. About 50% of the time we actually read, but the other 50% we end up chit chatting. Tonight was a chit chat night.

We were not really talking about anything specific. Random things like the heart breaking realization that Justin Beiber is 18 today and it’s now officially illegal for her to date him, should he call.

She started talking about school and her friends and then says, you know what is annoying?

“What?” I say.

“Ever since you started carrying, I am hyper aware of everything going on around me.”. She goes on to explain that she can no longer walk in oblivion, unaware of what might be happening around her and that she feels she has to pay extra attention because no one else is.

I think I’m doing good.

Cornered Cat Update

I wanted to give a quick update as to where we are on this class. 

First I want to let everyone know I don’t get anything if this class goes and I lose nothing if it doesn’t.  When I invited Mrs. Jackson to come here, I had already paid in full for her class in Memphis.  I wanted her to come to Virginia because I respect her and I love this community.  I wanted to do what I could to offer another top quality instructor to the folks here and hopefully to bring some publicity to what I consider to be one of the best local resources our area has, FPF Training. That’s it.  That was my entire motivation. I don’t get a stipend and I didn’t have to put anything down to get Kathy to come.  I was offered a spot in the class, but since I already took it and I am a big fan of giving back, I gave my spot to a woman in the community who currently is not able to afford such a class.  I say this, so you can be assured that what I am about to tell you is the truth.

Spots are going quickly.  We still have room, but if you are seriously thinking about taking this course, I would consider making the decision soon.

I am so gosh darn excited!  I can’t wait to meet you all!!