Thank You

I wanted my last post to be one of appreciation and gratitude to all of you for the love, kindness, education, and caring you have shown me over the past 2 years.

It is not an overstatement to say I do not think I could have healed without all of you and I know it would not have been as fun.

I am writing this with tears streaming down my cheeks. I will miss this.

I have received an enormous amount of nudging to leave the blog up and so I will. I am overwhelmed at the emails I have been getting telling me how much my words have meant to so many. Thank you for making me feel special and valued.

I will also leave the AGirl email active, so please feel free to drop me a note anytime.

Again, with all sincerity…THANK YOU!

32 thoughts on “Thank You

  1. You rock,Agirl,I have been glad to get to know you (through your blog,at least) and wish the best for you and your family.

  2. AGirl,
    I can never thank you enough for what you have brought into my life. I am SO thankful I ran across your blog. I learned SO much in such and short time. And then was blessed enough to be the winner of your AGirl 2013 contest. Due to Winning this contest I gained great knowledge and confidence that I will not only carry thru my life but hope to pass it on to others.

    • Lynda, we will keep in touch. I have so enjoyed watching your progress!

      Best money I ever spent was on you and the other Giveaway recipients who put their gifts to use!!

  3. We will keep in touch!!! Now go take care of your life and beautiful children.
    Sending hugs your way.

  4. I’ll give your own words back to you

    “They wanted me to grow.

    They wanted me to be stronger.

    They wanted me to be able to depend on myself.

    They gave me everything they had, so I wouldn’t need them any more.

    They gave me tools and guidance, so that I could soar and each and every time I took a step forward, they have been there, to say, good for you. Job well done.”

    The only thing I can add is: Good for you. Job well done.

  5. You will be surprised at how little you will miss having a blog. They serve a purpose when we have a need to reach out. But now you’re on an adventure of reaching out to tons of people who you can help.

    • I miss the blog. I miss the people, but I am so blessed by my life and it is so full that for now, I need to focus on helping and being there for other things:)

      I am fortunate that I miss the blog, that I no longer need it, if that makes sense.

  6. Thank you and TSM for brightening our lives for the short while… You know how to get in touch if I can do anything for y’all. Best wishes!

  7. Thank You for sharing. I hope the few times I commented it was of some help to you.
    God speed

  8. I’ll miss your blog posts, but understand and respect your decisions…meat-space takes priority over cyber-space! I’ve learned a ton just by reading your posts and other folks’ comments…just because your posts were mostly female-oriented doesn’t mean that us guys weren’t able to benefit as well!

    You’ve got my email, if you’re ever in the general area (“general” being very vaguely defined), as EvylRobot said, drop a line!!! I know Serenity would love to meet you as well!!!

  9. You know you will ever be near and dear to me. Casa Six is always open to you guys with BBQ and bullets on me! And if you ever want to put something out you can co-blog at my place any time.

    Take care you guys.

    Six, Lu and Angus

  10. Best of luck…you and your words will be missed. It’s been a great read.

    Fair winds…

    Don F

  11. Hope Things go well for you – Things have been crazy on this end as well or i would have responded here sooner. And of course feel free to drop my wife or i a note any time 8D

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