Tonight on that crazy little social network known as FaceBook, Bob from Gun Politics Blog posted a link to story on a “successful” gun buy back campaign in Connecticut.
The thinking of some people perplexes me to no end(not Bob, the folks in that state:) What on earth does the mass shooting in Newtown have to do with your gun? Honestly, if you own a gun and you are inspired to get rid of it based on the actions of a crazed murderer, I think that tells us a little something about what you think about yourself. It tells us that you identify yourself with a killer. When I heard the news of the shooting at no time did I think about my gun. It was on my hip and it never crossed my mind. I never equated what happen at that school with me or my firearm. I am not a murderer. Nothing about that man or what he did made me reevaluate myself or my ownership of firearms. There is not a thing that could ever cause me to use my gun in such a horrific way. NOTHING! The only thing I identified with that day was the victims. I thought of myself being in a school unarmed, I thought of my children and their safety. I thought about the pain and suffering of the survivors and the nightmarish existence of those poor parents having to live the rest of their lives without their precious children. I can’t imagine any human being thinking anything else.
Either that or somehow from that beyond tragic event, where unarmed people were brutally murdered, these gun owners, who volunteering turned in their means to self protection, thought their life and that of their family’s wasn’t worth defending. Those in that school had no way to fight back and to you that seems like a super plan? What are you thinking??
Unless you are planning on using your gun to kill or giving it/selling it to someone who is, your buy back is nothing more than another thing to make you feel good. Listen closely to what has been said a million times by a million smart folks…your feel good move WILL NOT make a flying flipping bit of difference in terms of keeping your kid, my kid, any kid safe in schools, movie theaters, banks, parks…
So when another attack happens because no effective change took place I hope you are still feeling good about yourself. As for me, I prefer to do what at least has a chance of working. You will not be getting my gun. Not for 200 bucks or for $500 or for $1000 or…you get the picture.
pretty much my thinking although you kind of made it sound like i agreed with the article in your first paragraph lol
Sorry, sorry. I can’t imagine anyone thinking a Patriot such as yourself would agree with that dribble, but I added some clarification.
lol it’s all good kiddo – those of ya’ll that know me know better and the loons on the left already think i’m crazy 8D
I’ve been collecting junk guns for the past couple years. They all work, but they are BEAT! None of them is worth more than $50 even if I could find someone to buy them. I’m waiting for my city to do one of these stupid buybacks so I can dump them all for $200 each and buy a couple new AR-15s!
You’re wrong…me having a couple of new AR-15s might actually do something to reduce crime!
Lol, I actually think increasing your gun ownership might reduce crime. Any desire to move to Virginia??
Excellent. Hooah.
Thanks Monty!
“Honestly, if you own a gun and you are inspired to get rid of it based on the actions of a crazed murderer, I think that tells us a little something about what you think about yourself. It tells us that you identify with a killer.”
Right on, again, Agirl. My friends and I are always joking about buy back programs. Most of the stuff they are getting are old pieces of junk and gramp’s gun from granny that is scared of it and doesn’t know what else to do. Funny, they always tout the number of firearms, but never really the breakdown or even if they function. I’ve even heard a law enforcement officer once say that the bad guys never come around because why would they, a known bad guy, walk up to the police? Even if they did, don’t you think they’d just be selling a stolen firearm or one used in a crime to get money “no questions asked” money. Sounds like a great deal for a felon to me.
Yes, I remember reading that a few months back. The buy back program doesn’t even really get any useful guns off the streets. Still I was annoyed at the comments from the people turning them in.
Leave it to the political types to once again create a program to benefit the criminal.
It make them FEEL like they are doing something. All that misplaced guilt. Then again the people that brought them in might have stolen them, they might have been their partners that didn’t want to be rid of them, and a few other possible cases that can pop into my mind.
Makes me remember the sheep on a friends farm. Baa!
I’ve got a few old broken guns that are not worth fixing, I hope they do a gun buyback around here soon. The fact is, most of the guns they buy back are junk. If they get something really cool, then they put it on the 5 o’clock news
Lol, funny how that works.
Bravo!! Great post my dear!!!
Thanks Sandy.
Good post as usual.Mass shootings never have me thinking that I should turn in my guns,just the opposite-I cling tighter to my guns and religion ,cause I want to be prepared when TSHTF,and not a victim.
Me too!
Very well spoken. The concept behind these gun buybacks is the same as the antis parrot, that gun owners are dangerous and removing guns from citizens makes the community safer. Hogwash. My guns make me , my family and my community safer, even if my community (the District of Chaos) cannot figure that out. Also Greg’s comment was priceless.
He’s a funny one:)
Chicago has a gun buy back every year… our little group, Guns Save Life, takes advantage of it by turning in rusty guns that no longer work and collecting money for purchasing ammo and firearms for a youth program. Might as well take advantage of the stupidity! Last year we collected over $6000!
Brilliant! Love it!
I am a legal gun owner who submitted to background checks, completed the appropriate training, and take gun ownership seriously. As law-abiding citizens we are expected to navigate the labyrinth of conflicting state laws regarding firearms and we do successfully everyday. Although many of these laws are conflicting between neighboring states, we still respect them and abide by them everyday.
With 300 million firearms in private hands (one-third of them pistols), the overwhelming majority of gun owners ARE responsible, law-abiding citizens, which is why horrific massacres are not commonplace, but rather terrible outliers that can never be legislated away (e.g. DC, Chicago, and “Gun Free Zones”).
For several examples for the recent use of firearms for defensive purposes not typically reported by the national media please visit: and forward this site to others to whom this information may be useful. @forceequalizer
I’m keepin mine. No apologies. Kinda wish I had some rusty old no-worky guns layin around, though….need some extra scratch to put towards a new AR or two!
Mmmmm….I dunno here…. Seems to me, even though folks have said things like “rusty”, “Grandpa’s”, etc. I would not be so quick to toss some of those guns. Granted if ammo is no longer made for it that is one thing. But, perhaps parts can be replaced or at least the gun can be taken apart and pieces still good can be saved as spares or even traded. About the “buy backs”….the way things are going I would not be at all surprised to in the future see the gov’t giving food in exchange for guns….especially in the event of some catastrophy. After people get really hungry, well……you know….. Finally…..I don’t go along with the idea of turning them in because, well….I just plumb do not trust anyone connected with law enforcement any longer. That thing with the Conneticut shooting, where that one cop said they would arrest anyone who questioned their decision…..sorry….that to me smacks of nothing less than a police state. Period!
I recently took a concealed carry class. In Utah, you can carry in a school zone. I was pretty impressed that in our class of about 20 people, 3 were school teachers. I wish this was happening everywhere. I believe that teachers should be able to protect and defend their classrooms, and I’m proud that there were many willing to do so. All this talk of gun buy backs, and gun control and limitations of magazines…that will never make our schools safer. I truly believe that educating and responsibly arming the people will always be a better idea.