
I have never been nervous about an election before. I have been passionate and I have been excited but never nervous.

i am not sure what I am nervous about exactly. The economy yes, our national security, of course. The continually decline is personal responsibility, absolutely, but there is something else.

i don’t really think we are tittering on an end of the world total collapse ledge if this guy gets re-elected. I think my glass is half full way of thinking and ignorance is probably playing into that.

I prepare just in case I am wrong, but I think I am more scared to live in a country where there isn’t a fight to the death, all out zombie attack. At least I would have a chance, maybe. To live like we are living now…loss of freedom after freedom makes me very uneasy.

Living with more and more intrusions: doctors asking questions they shouldn’t, cameras on every corner, the TSA, the police getting more and more aggressive, the courts disregarding the Constitution and individual rights…If you don’t pay attention it is easy to ignore these things, but eventually, it will be impossible too.

I am under no illusion about Romney. He is not my ideal pick, but I feel like with him at least I have more time. More time to either convince people(yes, I am dreaming here) a socialist government is not the way to go or I don’t know I just want more time.

When I say nervous, I don’t mean I cant sleep at night or am in a panic. There is only so much I can do and I believe regardless we will find a way, but when my kids ask me questions about their future, I get a little butterfly feeling in my stomach and it never goes away completely.

Either way, I can’t wait for Tuesday. At least we will know and I won’t have to listen to the annoying ads of Collin Powell telling my how this administration turned the economy around and saved the auto industry. Here’s a questions…how does that guy sleep at night?

12 thoughts on “Nervous

  1. I so understand your feelings! Our Constitution has been so chipped away, if it were really a “living breathing document” (which it isn’t) it would be dead by now, or at least need a DARK Angel kit.

    And I’ll be brave here and say that I am nervous about the aftermath of the election. Think about the Chicago way, nationwide. Think about how long it will take to sort out all the election “errors”.

    And, of course, I’m nervous about local elections on a very personal level. If my boss doesn’t win the judgeship, my life is a certain %100 hell till January. I don’t have enough vacation time to make it thru that!

    So, what do we do? WE BUY MORE AMMO! Personally I’d like to vote early and then just go to church….with my Kindle. A little praying, a little reading, the perceived safety of church walls around me….

  2. I know what you mean. I voted the way I voted, instead of going with an independent, because there’s a part of me that’s afraid that if I didn’t cast my vote the way I did, the current clown-in-chief (yes…deliberately not capitalized, the term “clown” is not an oh-so-helpful iPad autocorrect. It was also deliberate.) would win another term and would start signing and vetoing before we can get the wheels of Impeachment rolling. I’m not a big fan of either candidate, though. I did manage to get a coworker to vote independent: she wasn’t going to vote, period (“Texas is a blue state, my vote wouldn’t matter one way or the other”), until I pointed out that if an independent gets 5% of the votes, they get federal funding the next election cycle. So there’s that, anyway.

    As for Colin Powell…I think he sleeps very well using prescription meds. Washed down with a cocktail of assorted liquors, beer, filtered spring water, tears of unborn baby unicorns, and the distilled expletives of angry yard gnomes. With a little bit of strawberry Kool-Aid ™ for flavor.

  3. I thought that was Morgan Freeman?

    I spend a lot of time “debating” with people about socialism. I feel I’d be more successful arguing with a brick wall.

    • Morgan Freeman has narrated an ad for Obama. Colin Powell endorced him a few days ago (just like he did in 2008).

  4. This uneasiness one feels….my guess is most of the folks here are having that. You can’t really put a finger on it. It is more than economics, more than political, more than what natural disaster is coming down the road. What I cannot understand is people…at least people today…. What has happened to our society? What has happened in the last 50 years to turn us from a fairly responsible self reliant nation to one where the only thing mattering is how much money “I” can make….how big a house can I build….etc. One word…greed. Patriotism today seems to be in so many cases a matter of “talk”. People are for it UNTIL it is their turn to put it on the line. People are all for cutting government spending until it is their pet fund that is going to get cut. Bottom line, that kind of thinking just will not work! That kind of thinking will NOT get this country back on track! In short…our uneasiness will not go away until our society does a major readjustment. Just how to achieve that….I wish I knew……

    • Curt S., I agree with your statement but feel “greed” is only half of the problem. The other prong is those wanting that “free” govt money. I know far too many people out for any govt program they think they can ‘qualify’ for. I was told by a friend to apply for VA PTSD payments. I said I was not in combat nor injured any other way while in the service. The response was to try anyway. “It’s free”. I know too many on disability that can still do most of what they have always done. The pride that comes with self-reliance and/or not taking assistance is gone in our country. “Food stamps” used to be seen as something to be ashamed of. (and only temperary until back on one’s feet). Now, the more you can scam the bigger hero you are.
      Our society does need a major readjustment. Like you, I have no clue to the answer either.

  5. That’s funny you say that about the Turncoat Colin Powell. That commercial just came on here. Any respect I had for him was lost in the 2008 election, and now he has the audacity to come out in 2012. I am not normally racial, but I know with him its a black thing.

  6. I’ve been feeling the same way for quite some time as well. Just a vague unease about a number of things and a feeling that this is critical. I know that you always hear people talk about how this or that election is ‘critical’ to our nation’s survival and so on but this one really does feel that way. I really don’t think we can survive as a nation with four more years of Obama, if he carries the House and Senate with him we are toast. No illusions about Romney, either, frankly at this point I am voting only for time. Time is the precious thing no matter if you take it as glass half full or glass half empty…from the positive side, time is the most critical need if there is any chance of avoiding catastrophe. From the negative, more time to try and get the not completely clueless people to wake up and time to prepare myself more. I think if it were just the bad economy, just our massive debt obligations, just the cultural/moral decadence and decay, just the massive expansion of government power, just the prospect of WW3 (more real than the talking heads on the news will admit given the reality of the situation in the Middle East and China and Russia’s support of Iran), or even a couple of those problems, we would muddle through just fine…with difficulty, yes, but we’d get through it. However, facing all of these at once is a perfect nightmare. Myself I think we may have a couple of more years (assuming the Middle East doesn’t go bonkers) before it really hits the fan but no matter how one looks at it, things are very bad and getting more so.

  7. Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt, AKA FUD

    Spreading FUD is what politics is all about. “A vote for that man is a vote for child molesters, vote for me instead”

    The president alone has very little power to initiate changes, they can stop them via presidential veto, but they cannot really start them and carry them.

    The legislature is where people should be paying more attention, that’s where the changes, if any, will come from.

  8. “The legislature is where people should be paying more attention, that’s where the changes, if any, will come from.”


    And no.

    It is where changes should be coming from, but with this administration, what they want they just force through the bureaucracy without ever consulting congress. Administrative rules. Executive orders.

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