Today my kiddos and I went out and about town to run a few errands. On our way home we passed one of several Chick-Fil-A’s in our town.
The place was packed and I mean jam-flippin-packed. There are 2 entrances into the shopping area that the restaurant is in, both had lines backed-up into the street. The parking lot was a traffic nightmare. The inside looked like a fire hazard waiting to happen and the drive through, forget it.
Here is the thing I do not understand about liberals…why do they keep doing the things that backfire on them?
Every single time they go after someone or some group the people rally and the exact thing the liberals were hoping to accomplish fails…in grand fashion.
If you are trying to convince people that the other side is wrong, you might want to stop doing things that ignites their base. Just saying.
Why does the Left do this to themselves?
I suspect it’s what I like to call the “But everyone I know voted for Kerry!” syndrome. I know several Lefties. They kinda’ travel in small, narrowly-defined circles and surround themselves with folks that think just like them. (Of course, I’m generalizing.) The result of this is that probably everyone they knew did vote for Kerry — all eight of them. So when a group of Lefties decided to protest/boycott Chick-Fil-A, they all did. All eight of them.
So when a couple hundred (thousand?) people of differing mindset show up to patronize an establishment the Left is trying to “teach a lesson”, they’re gabberflasted.
Or so it seems to me…
It does seem to be the case. I am all for standing up, voicing your opinion and standing behind it, but if what you are doing doesn’t work, maybe try something else.
I waited in the line to get into the place with tons of other lovely people. Everyone was nice and polite. It sure was a sight to see. The police showed up and demanded that the manager do something about the traffic (?????). So when we left, the cops had blocked the parking lot with cones. But there is a Home Depot behind it and there is plenty of parking there.
God Bless and have a wonderful day.
I love a quite, polite, respectful “protest”. It is so much more powerful than the hate I so often see from the other side.
God bless you too!
Although I personally am generally in favor of civil rights for everyone, I can’t say I understand the point of boycotts and protests and “making a statement”. If you choose not to patronize Chik-Fil-A because of their stance on gay marriage…shut up and enjoy your McChicken (not to put too fine a point on it.) I choose not to patronize businesses that ban lawful carry of firearms, but I don’t have to make a big issue of it.
Frankly, the personal views of the owner of a restaurant matter to me a lot less than whether I like the food (and I’ve never eaten at a Chik-Fil-A because there’s not one close.) But whatever.
Very well said!
Hell no, let em keep it up at least through Nov 6th!!! 🙂
Old NFO, have I told you lately how much I love ya?!
We tried to get into Chik-Fila but it was to darn packed. We went back several times.
Scott Pelley (national news) made no notation on the national news about Chik-Fila. (Damn news media). Always reporting one side.
Lol, we didn’t eat there either, I think our town might have been one of the most packed chick fil a’s out there.
Not gonna get started on the bias media:)
Been a busy day today, and tonight’s packed, so we probably won’t get to Chick-Fil-A tonight, but we did go and pick up some dinner there Monday. So we did our part to help, and we were early!
Good for you! You are so progressive…lolololololololol
Why are the self-proclaimed tolerant so intolerant?
Dann in Ohio
Good question.
And I was there today fellow Americans!
I didn’t know about the rally but my wife, being a bit sick with a cold, I went and got some sandwiches from CFA.
Dang there were more people than you can shake a stick at in there! Stuffed with people. Traffic jam outside.
Anyway… keep in mind people who are willing to wait 30 min for their meal will wait as long as needed TO VOTE.
The Tea Party is not dead. In fact Chicago as waken a sleeping giant.
Remember when Sarah Palin said, “2012 can’t come to soon?”
Well it’s HERE! NOBAMA in 2012.
Love the spirit there!!!
All of the ones here were crazy crowded as well. The “left” is really upsetting me over this issue. What has happend to free speech in this country? Well it certainly did backfire on them, the overwhelming support for Chick-Fila and the owner was outstanding. Deep down to its core, America and her citizens still have morals and I was proud of the turn out yesterday.
Yes Americans do,mbut we need to see that fighting spirit a little more often on a whole lot of issues.
So someone had a buycott yesterday? I MISSED IT!!! *sob*
That’s OK, I enjoyed my delicious Chik Fil-A spicy chicken biscuit on my way home from work yesterday morning, so I guess I just started early.
Lol, always a step ahead arentcha.
I had to laugh at my daughter last night. She was sick and slept most of the day. All she knew about Chik Fil-A was from the day before. At dinner, she said she and her gay support friends were all going to burgers and stand outside of Chik Fil-A and eat them. I laughed and told her she would have a hard time doing that wtih the crowds of supports standing around the stores. LOL Of course, I had to set he straight as to the actual facts about the case. Becasue of the liberal MSM, they think that the Chik Fil-A executive hates all gays and wants them roasted over a fire made of baby seals and kittens.
Yes, my 14 year old said something similar. She just said, do we not like gay people? I told her this had nothing to do with being gay, at least not for me. Kids…lol
I just make sure and keep my mouth shut no matter what I think. I cannot understand why businesses don’t do the same thing.
Well, this CEO of Chick fil a was asked a question in an interview, so that’s why he didn’t keep his mouth shut. Again, for me it’s not about his personal views on “families” that got me all worked up.
You are so smart and feisty and I think people benefit when you share what you think.
That is something that I have never learned to do. Let me share a quote I stole from a friends Facebook page. “Our culture has accepted two huge lies: The first is that if you disagree with somoene’s lifestye, you must fear them or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You done have to compromise convictions to be compasionate.” Or, in this case, sell chicken sandwiches to the public.
Of course, there is also this I saw today. “Let’s ask the Christian owner of a restaurant chaint that isn’t open on Sundat his view on gay marriage adn act surprised and outraged when we don’t like the answer.
About keeping one’s mouth shut….. Maybe that is why the country is in the shape it is in. I don’t keep my mouth shut. Perhaps if more of us opened our yap when things started to go down hill things might have turned out different. If one thinks about it…take the crap that is put out to our kids in public schools….don’t say anything, you may offend someone. You got beat up today…and did not hit the kid back Good for you! That bully might have gotten offended. God…..will this crap ever end?????!!!!
I agree with you so much! We speak out here on our blogs, but what are we doing outside to make our voices heard? We need to be more vocal not less(plenty of people are I know) I was very pleased to see that many people get outraged over the government trying to get involved in an area they should.
“Streisand Effect”- they can’t help it, along with the problem of low impulse-control that they assume everyone is likewise afflicted (and the projection that enables that startling mis-preception), they’re just wired-up to boost the FAIL.
Kinda why most Liberal “success-stories” are really a digression about fooling someone who is dumber than they are.
I know. That’s their whole strategy. It’s getting old and frankly, it isn’t working.
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