Cornered Cat Training-Another Update

If you have been visiting here awhile then you already are aware that I am a big fan of Kathy Jackson’s.  She was the first site I found when I goggled “guns for women” 14 months ago. I remember reading her section on kids and guns and feeling a huge sense of relief about the fact that I had just brought a gun into my home. I sent her an email right away telling her what a great resource of information and comfort she been through her site. I am sure she doesn’t recall, but I will never forget the peace I felt. She is smart and knowledgeable.  She can shoot and she is funny.  She is no non-sense, but compassionate and real.  I had no idea back then that my blog would develop into a place where people would come to share their lives with guns and I had no idea that someday I would be hosting THE Cornered Cat at a range here in Virginia.

When Kathy started her FaceBook page, I was one of the first people to like it and to my surprise she liked my page back and even more she comments and occasionally links to my blog. I am not friends with Kathy, I do not want to over sell my relationship with her, but we are friendly and she has become a more personal person of support and encouragement to me, but I see that kind of support from her to many, many, many men and women.  

She doesn’t have an ounce of arrogance or pretension about her.  There are a few people I follow and learn from and enjoy, but I never see them comment on anyone’s site or FB or YouTube page.  They don’t offer any kind of support or encouragement and that is fine.  They do not owe any one a thing, but I think it says so much about a person when they do take the time to share not only  their knowledge, but also their support, Kathy is that person.

I had the pleasure of being able to take her course in Tennessee(an early birthday gift from my husband) and if you read the post you will see that the experience was one of great value to me. 

I can’t promise you that Kathy will be anything more than an fabulous instructor to you if you come join us in Culpeper, but I can promise you a class where you will have fun and learn a great deal of knowledge and add to your gun totin’ skills.  Having said all that, we only have one spot open, but I would love to fill it.  If you are interested send me an email or click this link for more info or just use the Paypal button on the right side bar. to pay.

For those of you that have already signed up, I am really looking forward to meeting you!!

Here is what one fellow blogger had to say about getting Kathy’s book…

“Ok when you said you were going to send me a book, I had not even thought this would be it. I am SOOO excited! We have been wanting to get this book. So I will be starting it promptly.- Jalissa of The Lowry Place

22 thoughts on “Cornered Cat Training-Another Update

    • Lol. I try to stay calm and collected at all times as not to annoy anyone with too much chipperness, but I’ll see what I can do…ha

  1. I can’t wait, I’ve been a fan of Kathy for a long time and LOVE her book and website and FB page. She is funny, but more than that offers down to earth, realistic advice!

    Thanks for setting up the class!

  2. My wife grew up with gun’s and hunting becoming very competent with rifle and shotgun but less so with handgun’s. She went through a HCP course and later worked quite a bit with me and on her own in improving her skill set. One of the nicer occurrences for her was finding The Cornered Cat site and purchasing Ms. Kathy’s book. Her overall mindset and daily planning have grown since because Kath’s book gave her impedes to use her scientific research skills and training in her daily firearms carry. I will probably gift her with a good basic pistol school as my graduation gift to her when she graduates from grad school.

  3. On my way, and with a migraine to accompany me. I love your enthusiasm but I think you could write with more INTENSITY. lol

  4. I read her book, which I really enjoyed, so when I saw it was on kindle I added it so I can check back on what she had to say all the time.

    • When I sent Jalissa the book she asked if I wanted her to send the book onto someone else when she was done and I said, nope. You will never be done. You are going to refer back to it again and again!

    • is the first place I send new shooters (and I have a solidly tentative “date” to bring a new shooter and her boyfriend [who IS a shooter, just hasn’t gotten around to taking her to the range yet] to the range next month. Soon as I got home yesterday evening, I sent her links to several articles on CorneredCat. I’ve read pretty much all of them, and still refer back!

  5. Kathy is what we should all aspire to be. I’m very thankful for the support and patient kindness she has shown me.

  6. We are looking forward to Kathys class in Alaska in august. She is awesome, and it saddens me to have to limit the class size. There are so many women who could benefit greatly from her teaching. She has removed an enormous amount of the learning curve for ladies carrying to protect themselves and their loved ones.

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