I Am The talk of The Town

I have been out all day with my daughter shopping for her upcoming formal.  We went to Starbucks this morning then to a mall in a bigger city.  We laughed and joked and found the most beautiful dress for her, on sale thank you very much.  Then we went to lunch where I got to sit and listen to tell me about school, testing, her friends, the boy she likes and her nerves about entering high school next year.  I have never enjoyed not talking in all my life. 

I haven’t had a chance to visit the blog world, but I have had a chance to glance at the emails that have come in letting me know that there is much buzz a foot about AGirl and her training.  Crazy cool.

I am soon off to swim team and therefore probably won’t get a chance to visit my favorite bloggers until much later, but I did pop on over to In Jennifer’s Head.  If you are curious about how I feel read the comments.

I love, love, love the love, and I promise you with ever fiber of being the not-so-much-love doesn’t bother me in the least.  If you left a comment of encouragement, if you emailed, called or texted me…THANK YOU!

14 thoughts on “I Am The talk of The Town

    • Thank you Dann, I did and I didn’t get on the Internet once. I usually don’t have time once the kiddos get home from school:)

  1. …what about those of us who left comments of snark, wit, and sarcasm? :sniff:

    Have a good (snark, wit, and sarcasm free) evening!

    • I did. Our daughter E said can we eat Chinese on the couch and watch a movie. It’s summer let’s have fun! I could argue with cuteness like that, so we all snuggled while eating noodles and dumplingsa,

      It is important and fun!

  2. I think there are several things going on with the chitchat, but I am absolutely secure in what I know to be true for me. I do appreciate the support though! Thank you!

    • Thank you! I promise I will. I am not bothered at all by the chitchat. I love the opportunity to talk training and it’s nice that so many people are passionate about it. Disagreement, even the ugly stuff doesn’t upset me. In the year that I have been blogging I haven’t seen much talk on this kind of training(not saying there hasn’t been, just I have not seen much) I love that something I am doing has sparked this kind of discussion and I learned a long time ago not to change who I am or what I am doing based on the thoughts or options of others. I am having a blast!!

  3. Wonderful up until I turned around in the teeny-tiny shower and *totally* nailed my elbow on the tile – tile is unforgiving…

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