Should Have Listened To My husband

After my training session with Arete on Thursday, I started to feel not so great, but I have a high tolerance for pain and like most people I am not all that fond of going to the doctor, so even though my husband(and others) continued to press, I didn’t go.

Saturday morning I felt sore, but not awful, so I figured I was on the mend and all was well.  By noon on Saturday I knew that was not the case.  I was in a lot of pain and while the Mortrin was helping, it was not helping enough.  Sunday was brutal, but I am not a complainer and plus I had work to do. Sunday night I was a mess and my husband said, you really need to go to the doctor.  I agreed. 

Yesterday he had a regular appointment at our doctor, so while there he tried to make me an appointment, but they were booked solid and couldn’t see me for a few days.  No problem.  I thought, well if they are not concerned I shouldn’t be and maybe I don’t need to go. My husband disagreed with my assessment.

Around 1ish, I started to get sick to my stomach from the pain, so I tried to eat a few crackers, but they did not sit well causing me to throw up.  By the time I stopped throwing up the pain was unbearable and I decided a trip to the doctor was needed.  My husband called the doctor again to see if someone cancelled and if they could squeeze me in, but they couldn’t and suggested I to go to the ER.

For the first time ever the ER actually sounded good.  I drove myself which sucked.  I walked in and the woman at the counter said are you in pain?  I said yes.  She had me fill out a piece of paper that only asked for my name and why I was there.  That was it.  She had me sit down and tell her what happened and to rate the pain from 1-10.  10 being the worst.  I told her if I sat perfectly still an 8, but if I moved or coughed, 11. She took me straight back to a room. 

A physicians assistant came in and asked me what happened.  I said I was training and got hurt.  What kind of training he asked.  I told him self defense training.  He wanted to know the name of the type of training I do.  There is no name for what I do, so I just said I am training with an MMA guy.  His eyes got huge and he said “You fight MMA?”.  I started to laugh, but it hurt too much. I said no.  I am just training to learn how to defend myself.  The hospital has NO WEAPON signs everyone, so I was trying to be careful about what I said.  Anyway, he said tell me exactly what happened. I did. He winced and said, “Good grief, lets get you looked at.”

Every single person who came in was so crazy nice and each one of them asked me why I was there.  The nurse that came in to help me get into a gown asked why I was there.  I told her and she said, I do self defense training too.  Apparently our rec center offers several 6 week courses.  She is on her 2nd 6 week session.  We compared bruises.  She saw my wrists and said, are you learning what to do if someone grabs your gun?  It was pretty cool. I wanted to tell her about my blog, but because of the name of my blog, I opted not to.

The doctor came in and explained that the biggest concern was to check out my vital organs and look for blood clots. He was very worried about a partially collapsed lung because I was having a very hard time breathing.  He ordered blood work, an x-ray and a CT scan.  I had never had a CT scan before, so that was odd.  When the tech put the meds in my IV he said you will feel like you have to pee, but I promise you won’t, so don’t freak out.  I was thinking who freaks out if their bladder feels full.  Then he put the iodine(I think ) in and I was like, “Oh, that is not my bladder that feels like it has to pee.”  Strange feeling.

I was in a lot of pain and the doctor didn’t really explain everything super well.  He came in and said your insides are a mess.  You have a lot of swelling, torn cartilage, bruising probably everywhere and some fractured ribs  My 7th rib has 2 hairline fractures.  Most everything in on the left side.  He never did show me the xray itself or whatever comes from a CT scan, but he didn’t seem concerned about the injuries themselves.  He was more concerned about getting me pain medication and impressing upon me the importance of not waiting to be seen for this kind of trauma. He told me he was not happy about me waiting 4 days to come in.  Not because of the ribs or even the sternum, but because I could have damaged my spleen or my lungs.  I could have had a blood clot. He told me I was tough, I had proved that and he wouldn’t mess with me, but that next time I get injured, he would like to see me right a way.  I promised him I would come in immediately next time. 

I think I look super cute.

For the record I wasn’t trying to prove anything. First, I honestly did not believe I was hurt.  I did hear cracking for sure, but I thought it was my back cracking like when I crack my knuckles, not something really cracking.  After it happened, I did feel fine.  Until later Thursday evening, I didn’t even feel tenderness. Must have been the adrenaline or something.

I also was afraid that if I had something more serious Arete would be all coddling and not train me as hard and that is NOT what I want. 

Lastly, I had to work and I take pride in doing a good job.  I don’t like to be late, ever. I don’t like to take sick days, I don’t like to make excuses.  It is a personal pride issue.  I had the same standard for myself when I did volunteer work for the Navy- Marine Corps Relief Society.   But with this job there is more than personal pride involved. I want to help John. I want to contribute in a way that aids him.  I want to do the work that frees him up to focus on teaching and the students. He can’t do that if I am sitting on my butt watching him put up the awnings.   If he asks me to do something,  I do it.  I almost never know how to do what he is asking me, but I figure it out and I do it.  I will admit that on Saturday when I was trying to put up the awnings, I wished Ryan was there to show me how, but I was able figured it out.  The problem was that they are large and heavy and I had to put my hands over my head a lot and that caused me to be in a great deal of pain, so I did ask John to pick up the generators for me. I knew I couldn’t handle the pain of that.  Up until the doctor told me I was pretty significantly hurt, I felt awful about not putting the generators away myself, which is ridiculous because John didn’t care, I am sure.

Back to the ER visit. The doctor asked me if I was ready for  some meds to manage the pain now.  I said yes please.  I never say yes, but it hurt, bad.  I assumed Tylenol or Motrin, but the nurse had 2 syringes with her.  She said how are you getting home, but before I could answer she said I am giving you Toradol and Morphine. Her point was that I was not to drive.  I have never had Morphine before.  When she put it in the IV, I got the strangest feeling.  I can’t explain it, but as it went into my veins, I felt an odd sensation.  I also got a prescription for Vicodin to manage the pain for the next several weeks.  Don’t think I have ever had that either.  Finally, they were done with me and said I could go home as soon as my son arrived.

The nurse came in to give me my restriction and my discharge papers…

How many discharge papers do you think say NO fighting on them?? 

87 thoughts on “Should Have Listened To My husband

  1. Wow you are like me and the wife. STUBBORN, STRONG WILLED. Please take care of your self. Life is too short.

  2. Good grief, Girl! Take it easy for a little and let things knit up.

    I’ve had the CT with contrast once before – it is iodine, and good grief does it feel weird. (Then they made me sit around for another 45 minutes to make sure I wasn’t going to have a reaction to it… boooooooring.)

    I’m surprised none of them gave you the, “Would you like a number you can call?” speech. MrsZ gets that one pretty regularly because she bruises easily and plays roller derby and ice hockey… 😉

    • When my husband was making the appointment with our regular doctor, the nurse was questioning him and not really buying his “story”. I was expecting to get the looks and questions,but everyone is great.


  3. Your are one tough cookie! And smart and cute and an inspiration for woman everywhere. Rest up and heal. As they say you train like you fight. You must have been training for you life!

  4. Wow – glad you are on the mend.

    Apologies in advance – I can be a bit “preachie” . . . 🙂

    One of my favorite phrases is: “A thinking shooter wins!” That applies to training as well. While it may be all “macha” to take the punishment training can dish out, if you can’t draw our weapon to defend yourself because of the training – you are defeating your purpose. You are not training to train, you are training to be a better fighter. If you can’t fight . . . . what’s the point of training?

    I would gently offer that you buy pads for your torso when you are fully mended. You can train at the level you want and not have your inards scrambled.

    And yes, I do stick my nose in business I have no business sticking it into – but many of us have grown fond of you, don’t push your luck. You’re a smart lady – training like it.

    OK – Old Fart rant off. Take time, heal and then get back at it.


    • Bill, I truly appreciate your words. I honestly was not trying to be tough. It was a freak thing and I just didn’t think I was hurt. Once I realized it, I did take it easy. I promise to be more humble and get myself checked out sooner.

      Not sure I can do the pads though:)

  5. I feel for you! If I thought that I was too fragile for self-defense classes before, I think that I know I am now, especailly considering how much stronger you are than me, and still you were unfortunately terribly injured. I would need super-ultra gentle self defense classes … and I imagine that would defeat the entire purpose in mind. My poor sweet friend! You really are an inspiration and on so many levels. Do take good care of yourself and rest up so you can leap back into that brave saddle of self-defense training.

    • I am glad I can inspire. You are not to fragile for training, but Bill is right, it is important to push yourself and to be careful and safe at the same time. I think most people who train get hurt a little, but no need to go full bone breaking trip to the ER training. Training is mighty effective with out a trip to the hospital:) Thanks for the kind words!!

    • I have cracked my ribs twice in the 10 years I’ve being doing various martial arts. Both times it was because I pushed myself beyond the limits of what I could reasonably do (e.g. Got testosterone poisoning and behaved like an idiot). A Girl seems a little inclined in that direction as well:)
      If you know your body and don’t push yourself too hard, a good instructor can keep you from any injury at all. It’s far better to train within your limits and get the benefits of it than to push too hard and get injured. Look for self defense that focuses on off-balancing and avoidance, rather than punching to minimize damage risk. Just training yourself to hold yourself as if you are prepared and not to freeze if someone comes at you aggressively will deter a lot of problems, and you never have to take a punch at all to do that.

    • Lol, that is not what I was doing. We were messing around. I was not trying to prove anything. I totally train within my limits and he wouldn’t let me over extend. It happens. You all may not have noticed, but I don’t take unnecessary risks. I was not trying to prove anything. It was at the end we were being silly, I got hurt. That’s it.

      After, I sincerely did not think I was hurt and I didn’t think at all about blood clots. I don’t train with a gun and self defense to just die from arrogance. As soon as I realized there was a problem I went to the doctor. And I have been on my buttnever since.

      I am gonna fight and I am not afraid to get hurt. I don’t regret this. It was fun, I learned, got hurt, no biggie. If I hurt myself rock climbing or playing football no one would be all, don’t climb so high, don’t go for the ball. I am fine.

      Love you guys so much for worrying and wanting me to be safe, but I am not gonna to stop just because I might get hurt. I am fine:)

    • It always seems like the time that injuries happen, it’s when we are playing around. I was doing something “fun” with my 10 yr old in class a few months ago. She came over my back in a choke, and since I was on my knees I just reached over and threw her. She started to pull me over on top of her and when I went to shift my balance to avoid falling on her I wound up striking my hand into the mat and dislocating a finger. Relatively minor injury (although the way my finger looked and felt I might debate that).

      Keep training, train hard and think about a torso protector for at least a couple of months until everything is back close to 100%. When my wife wanted protection for her Krav classes, we went with an Addidas shell type of unit. Much thinner than the soft pads and it will protect all the soft tissue.

  6. Some of us have to learn our limits the hard way. The last time I “toughed it out” and just did what I had to do, I wound up with pneumonia; I’m not in a position to criticize.

    You now have a benchmark for future reference, and I know you have the sense to use it.

  7. Every man should know his limitations. This goes for Pretty Girls too. Sorry, but you do need to scale it back a bit. Bless you.

    • Lol. I am scaling it back. Currently I am in my pjs, sitting on the couch doing nothing but blogging and drinking coffee. I am serious, I wasn’t trying to be tough. Things happen and when I realized it I went to the doctor, took the meds, and am resting and I will go straight to the doctor next time right away. I love that you all are concerned, but I am fine and I am resting:)

  8. Ha! Those discharge papers are great.

    If you were running around for 4 days with cracked ribs, I’d say you can take pain.

    Take it easy and get better.

  9. It’s important to communicate how you’re feeling to your defensive tactics instructor. If something feel’s different or uncomfortable say something, we don’t consider that as a complaint. You do need to take a few days’ break from being super mom and training though so that you can recover. Sometime next week will be a good time for you and your DT instructor to start back with light stretch and flexion exercises. Don’t even think about going to the firing range this weekend to work. FWIW if I’d been called in to the ER to investigate your injuries my initial suspicion would have been domestic violence. Pace yourself as you train, it promotes more consistent results. Oh and finally, sometimes it actually is a good idea to listen to your spouse, as well as following their advice.

    • I didn’t lie to him oe hide anything from him. When I first fell to the ground I was in pain. I landed, somehow on him and I asked him not to move. I laid there a few seconds and then got up. I was literally surprised that I was not in pain. If I was, I would have told him, I promise.

      I will follow the advice of the doctors, the others and you.

      I am sure domestic violence is most common and I was prepared for those questions, but they didn’t ask. I guess I have an honest face:)

      I am resting…no shooting, no dry fire, no cleaning. I am hoping Arête will do some of the profiling kind of field trip stuff he wanted to do, but haven’t had time. All the requires is a walk around the mall.

    • If you folk’s make it up my way before I retire next year I’ll take you on the road in a marked and unmarked car and teach you what to watch for. It’s really pretty easy to spot someone who’s carrying a gun or larger knife. The same principle applies to drug’s as well.

  10. I kinda wondered when I read your description when it first happened… Glad it wasn’t more serious. But it’s a bummer when something happens that makes you have to lay off doing stuff.

    On the upside, when folks are not used to you complaining, they pay attention when you do. The phone call I made from an ambulance one day brought my daughter from Baltimore in record time…

    • Oh yes, when I called my husband and said I want to go to the doctor and I even drove myself, he was like…holy crap, she must be in real pain.

      I am going to do a better job of being aware of my body and not be so resistant to asking for help.

  11. Wow girl! You are tough! I`m glad you are better now.
    Take care!!!
    PS: and yes, I think you look super cute in the above picture 🙂

  12. If I am ever around you, I must tread lightly, lol
    You are one tough cookie. Let me guess you like kicking butt and taking names?
    On a more serious note, I’m glad your out of the hospital and it wasn’t more serious. Take it easy for a while, let your hubby take care of you while your body heals.

  13. Oh wow! I’m so glad my heavy bag doesn’t hit back and my instructor hits in slow motion so I can get a sense of it and not broken bones. I’m sure your instructor is feeling a bit guilty, he really shouldn’t. But maybe you need to dial it back a little. You can learn how to react without getting the stuffing stomped out of you! Wow…rest well and feel better soon!

    • I am positive he is not feeling guilty. This is what I wanted…well, not this, but I can’t explain it, but I asked him again and again for the exact training we are doing.

      I know not everyone understands, but I need this. I am resting. I am not trying to be tough. That isn’t what this is about. I’m resting. Thank you so much for caring Lynne.

  14. Heh. Reading this post, I immediately got an 80’s flashback to a Charmin commercial: some little kid was wanting to play football at the vacant lot with kids a couple years’ older than him, but he kept getting scared at all the tackling and collisions. so he goes home (Mom is in the kitchen, smiles as he walks past)…Mom hears the closet door open…kid comes back wearing a football jersey, lookin all big and buff and three sizes larger….with a little piece of Charmin sticking out from under the jersey. Next thing you know, the little kid has the football and is running it in for a touchdown. Dunno why, but I just imagined you walking up to your next meeting with Arête, all big and bad and buff, bundled up in about 4 rolls of Charmin…

    Take it easy, rest up, and get yerself well! Oh, and DEFINITELY get that discharge paper framed! That needs a place of honor on Agirl’s Badass Wall of Badassery!

    • Bwahahahaha. I am not that bad. I thought I toned the post down as to not freak people out, but I guess I failed. It’s a rib injury, not a brain one. I didn’t puncture a lung or anything. I am fine:)

      Funny on the frame…Arete texted my husband and my husband texted back…she is a certified badass:)

  15. Ugh. Can’t say I agree with the “you shouldn’t train so hard” crowd. Yes, obviously, you have to do less until you heal. But as you feel you can do more, do more. What you are training for (and I mean both the physical part AND the mental parts) is decidedly “hard”. It is important to train the “hard” so that when the “hard” happens you are ready for it. Bad guys don’t wait for you to put pads on, or lie there for a bit while you catch your breath. In my opinion, while unfortunate and painful, it’s a good lesson to get hurt every once in a while. Now you know what it feels like to be hurt. You’ll probably get hurt in a real fight too. But getting hurt doesn’t have to take you out of the fight.

    That being said… Take care of yourself and get better. Love the blog.

  16. I don’t know who you are, but I love you!!!! I was hurt and I wasn’t prepared. I am not reckless, but I don’t want to be timid either.

    Glad you like the blog!

  17. Ditto Anon above.

    I’m glad you’re going to heal up and I can’t say a thing about getting seen earlier – I’m like you. I figure I can tough it out. If it’s not better in a couple of weeks, then I might get checked out.

    I cannot tell you how much I love your discharge instructions 🙂

  18. To: “Toughest Woman on the Internet”

    Sorry about your injuries. Rest up and get better. Sometimes the lessons we need to learn are tough and they hurt, both mentally and physically. Glad you went to the doctor and are getting the help you need. Remember, even this is probably one of the lessons you need in your growth.

    Hurry up and get better, we need you back in the “fight”.

    • Your right…the lessons are hard ones, but beneficial and this one was even fun…right up until Sunday night…lol

      I will res though and get back into the fight ASAP.

  19. If you had not mentioned anything on Saturday and Sunday, I doubt anyone would have been able to tell you had been injured or were hurting. You were out there doing your thing in an unlimited and unabashed manner. Glad you finally got in to get examined and healed! Get well soon.

    • I got the most interesting email from a friend about pain and dealing with it. Not gonna share the details, because it isn’t my story, but facinating some of the things she pointed out about trauma, the brain, and how different people are able to handle more pain than others. I am learning so much about people and myself.

      Crazy cool stuff!

      P.S. really enjoyed seeing you again Steve!

  20. Ouch!! I’m so sorry to hear that. You are one tough gal (and you still look beautiful) After your first gun book, we need the Girl and Her Gun Guide to Glamor (and bruise coverage makeup tips).

    Get well soon my friend.

  21. Adrenaline is an amazing drug, but I can’t believe you walked around for days with cracked ribs… husband cracked one and turned into a wimpering baby. Maybe its a girl thing….. I’ve got a better pain tolerance than he does…

  22. I know what you mean about not feeling the pain and it not hurting so bad. I learned that I had a high pain tolerance when my appendix ruptured and to me it felt like I had just pulled a muscle in my side.

    Three days later the doctor told me I should be screaming in pain or dead, one of the two.

    Now I have to be a little more careful and if something hurts, think about it and decide if I should have it checked or not.

    Glad to know you are going to heal up fine.

  23. Yeah, ow. Most definitely it was from when you said you and he fell together. I wouldn’t say this was from the training, necessarily, but from an accident during the training. I can guess that Arete didn’t intend you to fall that way, but stuff happens.

    Also, I would totally frame those papers.

    • Nope, he didn’t intend for me to fall at all. It was because I grabbed him…stuff does happen and I am telling you, it was so worth…lol

  24. Take care of you! Let me know if you need anything. Sheesh girl, that’s why I have a gun, to avoid all of this =)

  25. I am so sorry you are hurting – but I have to say you tell a great story! The last line did me in. Too funny!
    Get well soon 🙂


  26. Glenn, have you read any of the other post on my training with him?? For weeks and weeks he didn’t hit at all because I was so traumatized and couldn’t hit. The fall was 100% my fault. We were goofy around which I started and we fell that’s it. I write some heavy emotional posts, so I try to be more light hearted and funny. Training with him and John are fun and my sarcasism doesn’t always translate I guess.. Anyway, I like him.

    • Yes, the majority of actual training is on step by step things I can do to gain distance and either get away completely or get to my gun. I was so excited that I finally got over my mental block of defending myself I got carried away. He teaches me to get away, but instead I pulled him into me and thankful he is good and was able to help fall over me or I probably would be a chalk outline…lol

      I had so much fun…broken ribs and all.

  27. Vicodin? Ah like Doctor House!

    I’ve been in Tae Kwon Do for 30+ years. Plus Krav Maga, Judo, Shotokan, and Tang So Do. Been kicked alot, broke toe in Judo, broke hand in boxing, seven stitches in head from being kicked there, front tooth elbowed back (I straitened it out with my fingers, tooth is ok btw..)

    But how much injury in fights? One slight black eye (and I never lost my fights in high school, but high school is the only place I had fights!)

    But I tell you, all of the training does give me alot of self confidence. And it’s a self confidence you cannot fake.

    So keep training for self defense, but stop alot of that full contact stuff, ok?

  28. Girl, you kick serious butt. Frankly, I think you’re hardcore awesome. Pain is temporary, the mind set and ability to fight through that pain is forever. Don’t quit, don’t back down and don’t slow down. And don’t let anyone else tell you so. I’d train with you and fight by your side any time and any where.

  29. Just plain ole take care of yourself and don’t try to do to much to soon. Let your body heal before you go back to your training, cause I am sure from the way you talk about it you will be going back.

    • Ahh, I will take care. I like to be healthy which is why I am health freak(most of the time), I run, I lift weights, I wear my seatbelt, I lookmbothways before I cross the street, I carry a gun and practice with it…I like to feel good to play with my kids, to hang with my husband and to train. I will most certaintly be going back:)

      I have really enjoyed havng you here. Your comments are always spot on.

  30. A much delayed response..

    After reading some 70+ comments I have one to share.

    I used to race motocross, one of the things my mentors told me was to learn was how to fall because the way I rode meant I’d fall a lot. I took that to heart both learn to ride better and knowing how to fall and avoid getting hurt. It also would make me a better rider by not fearing the fall. The side benefit was when I did fall while racing I could get up and continue.

    So while training when things go cattywhumpus knowing how to hit the ground so you don’t get injured by that alone is a valuable skill. Because if you to train or fight, falling without incurring additional injury and maintaining the ability to recover is a handy thing. It’s just another aspect of the basic concept of being prepared.

    Stay healthy and fight hard.


  31. Not gonna go with the “don’t train so hard” crowd. Of course, I teach self defense, so take that with a grain of salt. 🙂

    I will say you should make sure you train smart. If you train for real, though, injuries (while rare) will happen. That’s a part of it.

    When folks tell you to go to the doctor, listen to them. Especially if one of them is the person you trusted enough to spend the rest of your life with! 🙂

  32. I’m late finding this, and for that I apologize. Get well soon, eh? And you tell that Arete fella that if’n he does that again, I’ma gonna ship Murphy down there UPS as the original box o’ whoop-ass.

  33. Broken bones heal stronger than they were before. Previously-broken people heal to know where the lines are.

    Consider what you learned. You learned that you can have significant damage done to your body, and still function for a few days. There are people out there that don’t know that they can do that, and will lie down and quit in the midst of the most important struggle of their lives, when they need only last a few minutes.

    Such knowledge is worth wearing like a cloak of confidence. You will survive.

  34. I am wondering where Arête is. I have been watching everything and reading you defend him and I keep thinking why doesn’t he speak up and have her back.

    • I don’t know why he chose not to comment. I don’t need him to defend me or my training. It’s mine training, my choices, and it was my fault that the accident happened.

  35. Just read this – I am so very sorry! There ARE way to fend of attackers, when you cannot get t your gun, which do not involve taking lessons from an instructor who – it appears – is incapable of giving instruction whilst controlling and disciplining his own blows. Either of the Masters under whom I studies, back in ancient history, would have dismissed him at once. The Master does NOT have to show off his great power to impress; all that this does is harm his students and show him to be a man without discipline over his ego.
    There are ways which can be employed, if you are without a gun, to disable or terminate an aggressor. A knife, obviously – concealable, easily deployed. Spyderco has served me well. A simple steel-barrel ballpoint pen ( I prefer the Zebra) can be quite lethal used as a ‘sewing machine’, that is, point down, reverse grip, applied rapidly and with all force, repeatedly to neck, face, throat, until threat has ceased. Wood pencil is good for one or two blows, but you must make them count – eyes, throat. A can of hornet spray kept near the door on on car seat will deliver a totally blinding stream good for about a five foot reach. Spray until can is empty. The MIND is also key. You must remember that if harm comes to you, the other loved ones may also be harmed, and your mission is to stop the aggressor cold.
    Please beware of any so-called experts who employ full contact. Not necessary!
    all the best-

    • He is an expert. He knows what he is doing. His “blow” is not how I hurt myself. Thank you very much for your concern.

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