I Know What I Wouldn’t Do

I really enjoy reading all the blogs that are out there, but there are some I must read everyday and Down Range Report is one of those.  Today I read this and thought I don’t know.  I got very sick to my stomach and have not stopped thinking about it since.

I know what I wouldn’t do, but I don’t know what I would do, but then again…  Part of the reason I don’t carry into places that are illegal is because I don’t want to pay the price of getting caught.  I am a rule follower to a fault, but beside that I just don’t want to go to jail.  I don’t know how far I would go to defend what I believe in.  I know I believe my job as a mommy is to be here for my kids, not only to shoot the bad guy, but also to cuddle and read stories and to let my kids know nothing is more important then they are.  How many stories have we read about activists that save the world while their own kids suffer.  Is the greater good more important than the individual?  Absolutely not and yes, of course it is. There has to be people who are willing to sacrifice it all for what they believe in, if not, where would this country be, where would I be?

There is nothing more important than my children and each of them deserve to grow up knowing they are loved and valued and they need a mommy for that, at least partially, but then again, if they are growing up in a North Korea kind of country, who the hell cares or maybe it matters even more.

I would like to say that I would not hand my guns over, that I would stand and fight, but that would be a lie.  I will rant and rave and shake my fist, but at the end of the day I know I would stand there and let them violate my rights and yours.

25 thoughts on “I Know What I Wouldn’t Do

  1. There’s a big difference between obeying what I’d classify as reasonably borderline laws and patently immoral ones. With any luck you won’t ever have to make that choice. Obama does not have the backing to make any kind of ban currently and the idea that millions of gun owning Americans would willingly turn over their arms to his minions is ludicrous for the time being. Even if he gets another 4 years. He may be a front runner to his desired ways but he is not the one who will usher them in.

  2. There is a saying I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6. We all have our choices to make and none of them are more correct than others. It’s simply a choice.
    I will shoot without hesitation anyone that kicks in my door and I don’t care what they yell about who they are. But I feel no need to conceal carry yet…..
    You do your best but I’d never volunteer to hand over my guns without a fight. I may bury them and dig them up again but just ask the victims of dictatorships or do gun control laws make you feel safer.
    No I don’t want to kill anyone there is a cost to your soul when you do. I also don’t want to die which is high on my priority list of things not to do. By a beater gun and hand it over to the door kickers if needed. But when your children need protection from the predators who will protect them but you? Read the Gulag Archegeligo they just gave up, it was a mistake, they were rounded up. “I’m a veteran and a got a medal for being a hero of the people”. It’s not happy news but as you are new you may not be aware and if you are like me you will have to decide after a lot of soul searching.

  3. OPSEC… Operational Security is alluded to in the Down Range Report post… I am former law enforcement, even a former boy scout, a law abiding citizen, and a God-fearing Christian…

    But if a time actually arises where they are truly confiscating firearms… well there are things that are and will be only between God and myself… because my family comes first and they won’t be confiscating the criminals’ guns first… and YES, I did tear off those “Do Not Remove” tags on the mattresses..

    Dann in Ohio

    • You pulled the tags off your mattress??? You sinner you…


      Gotta agree with you, though. God said “turn the other cheek”, but He never intended us to be a flock of willing victims. He ordered His disciples to go buy swords for a reason. Yes…we should go out of our way to help others…but if they’re unwilling to be helped, then my family’s safety comes first.

    • Kirk, you seem to be in rare form today. Very chopper, so either you have spring fever or you have been hitting the sauce:).

      I have enjoyed all of your comments today. You made me smile.

  4. You’ve stumbled upon a question which there is no right or wrong answer. All you can do is take as much information as you can and come to your own decision.

    I put my take on this question over at my place.

  5. This line of thought is one of many that circulate within the conspiracy circles. By making it illegal to own a ” weapon” this puts the citizens of the US at a extreme disadvantage. We are very well armed and very independent as a nation. Again, using the conspiracy theory train of logic having a unarmed, poor and hungry people is a good way for a elite majority to gain control. Also if you make your ” subjects” ( which is what we would be) afraid to talk to each other for fear of being turned in for some offense, that adds just one more level of control.
    Within the metroplex area I live outside of there was a “guns for food” drive last year. The local authorities offered $50 shopping cards to people who would turn in their guns. They were out of cards by 10AM I think.
    When people are hungry and trying to feed their families theyvwill do things they never thought they would.
    The real test will be when “they” show up at the door and demand you turn over friends/family/neighbors or they take your kids.
    Personally I plan on not being home for that event.

  6. Weakness invites attack. Reminding those who would try us that it’s going to be painful to attack us makes them less likely to attack in the first place.

    There’s no where to run, so you might as well just say “no.” What are they going to do, kill us all and rule over an empty wasteland? Even the Canadians refused to register their long arms for years. We can at least refuse and force the leviathon to attack us or blink.

  7. It becomes a question of higher law. If we refuse to disarm, we are still following the higher law of the right of self defense. The disarming law would be illegal under the Second Ammendment of the Constitution. I hope I would choose to follow the Constitution and defend it from all enemies foreign and domestic. If they are intent on hanging me anyway, they will find an excuse. I choose to remain a “dangerous old man” and all that entails.

  8. I have resolved to fight to the death in the face of an assailant, but I haven’t thought about government officials coming to my door to take my guns. I have a lot to think about.

  9. There are rules and there are rules. Some are made by folks in suits living off the efforts of the rest of us, and some are made deep within the soul in the darkest part of the night. Which you agree to follow/obey/conform varies as the situation evolves. I have no illusion about being a hero, but I know that there are certain lines that I could never allow to be crossed. How I stop the crossing will be debated and cogitated upon until the line is actually touched, and then I will be forced to make some sort of decision. While I hope I never get to that point, I also hope that whatever decision I make turns out to be the right one. Remember that the folks who are heralded as our Founding Fathers would just be a bunch of thugs drawn and quartered as traitors if they had lost – it’s all about how it comes out in the end.

    stay safe.


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