(This is not the most recent picture of her) |
I want to share a little more info on our Give-A-Way winner. She is the wife of a gun blogger. Our own Groundhog, which makes our winner Mrs. Groundhog!! Mrs. Groundhog and her main quadruped live in Texas and although he is quite the shooter, she is just starting out on her journey. Mrs. Groundhog was never scared of guns, but she was also not comfortable around them. Unfortunately, her family was affected by gun violence. Not the kind of gun violence where you would light a candle, but the kind that makes your blood boil and you think, I need to do something to keep this from happening, kind of gun violence. Her sister was shot in the head. I believe Goundhog has written about this on his site, but I am hoping Mrs. Groundhog will write a post of her own to share here. Sometime after that incident, they began seriously exploring their self defense options and both obtained their CHL(concealed handgun license).
In the beginning our winner accompanied her husband to the range as a way to spend time with him, but little by little she got the bug…they always do:) Like many of us she is a little more experienced in age than in shooting. She is 52 and yes, she knows I am telling you all that. Although, she has spent sometime shooting with her gun, she has had no formal training and hasn’t been to the range in over a year. We are aiming to fix that, again no pun intended. She adheres to my life philosophy and she carries a big gun: a Glock 17. For those of you who may not be familiar with this particular gun, it is a full sized(??) gun chambered in 9mm. That is her only gear, well, until now. She has a whole heck of a lot of gear coming her way. I have spoke with her and her husband by email and phone and they both are delightful. This has been such a blast and getting to know her more is gonna be a treat for me.
I know you all will be following along on her journey. Both Groundhog and I will be posting and sharing with all of you. Lets be her biggest cheerleaders and encourage her with every step she takes!!
I may not be able to give away guns and ammo, but I can give your blog a little prop. Tag, you’re it.
Thanks from the bottom of my formally wussy heart!!!
If they are still looking for a more intermediate place to take the training class, I’d recommend taking a look at Hoffners: http://www.hoffners.com/info.htm
Excellent. I will pass that on to her.
Just wanted to let you know, you inspired me to do a post on training and I linked you also. Thanks for the good work.
Oh, thank you. On my way now to read it.
Awesome, Welcome Mrs G to the fold! I’m a Glock 19 girl, only slightly smaller than the 17. LOVE IT! I hope that soon you start finding packages arriving at your door. I’m sure that are all sent with good wishes and encouragement. I’m so sorry for your tragedy, but I’m happy that you are facing it in a positive, empowering way.
Stop and visit me sometime at http://www.femaleandarmed.blogspot.com
Ammo on the way 🙂
Congrats on winning the give-away! You’re going to have so much fun with everything! I got confirmation that your books have shipped; they should be landing on your doorstep on Monday. I hope you find them as helpful as I did.
She should be getting a box from Midway shortly.
Congrats to Mrs. Groundhog
Mark down another box on the way from Midway… 🙂
Any idea when the training is going to happen? Hopefully, there will be a little time. I got your email and need to order the Lula. I’m actually getting one for Mrs. 45er for her Glock 19 as well.
I think there is some time. She is researching courses now.
Mrs. Groundhog likes to hibernate in winter. No fur coat is thick enough for her. That said, we will not schedule a class until the warm breezes of Texas spring start blowing regularly across the land here. We’re looking at April right now.
A huge thanks to all of you who’ve contributed loot to this contest! It’s one of the coolest things we’ve ever been involved in and we’re going to pass it forward at some point. I read a lot of the posts of folks entering the contest and there’s no shortage of need out there for this kind of thing.