Woman With Her Gun

One of the best most unexpected things about blogging has been the people I have met. Just a very, very cool thing!!

One of the people that I have “met” through blogging emailed me a few weeks ago. She has been following me almost from the beginning. She leaves comments here and on my FB page and has just been sweet, sweet, sweet to me.

Over the past week or so, we have exchanged a few emails and in the course of our back and forth, I, of course, asked her how she came to be a woman with a gun.

I am fascinated by how different we all are and how we are all not so different at all.  Her story is a neat one and so, of course,  I asked her if she would let me share it on this blog.

Graciously she agreed and sent me the story with some really great pictures.  

I had planned to share her story today, but last night she sent me an email with some exciting news…she is starting her own blog!!! I am so excited for her and to welcome her to the fold.

Sooooo, instead of posting her story here, I am going to send you all to her new blog!

Go read her gun story and maybe leave a little love to encourage her on her new blogging path!

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