
I have a personal FaceBook page under my real name.  I only have 20 friends on that page because I post information about where we live and about our kids, so I only accept people that we both know and have a close relationship with.  I am very protective of my kiddos and up until recently I have been a pretty private gal.

As I have posted more and more comments on different gun related FaceBook pages, I have been receiving a lot of friend requests from people I don’t know.

One of the best things about the internet is that it can bring us closer to people that we never would have had a chance to meet. I have met some very neat gun people through the internet, which I am grateful for.  I get excited to meet new people.  I love learning about other people, their lives and experiences, but I am still protective of my family, so with help from That Texas Lady, I created a FaceBook page that I can use to post comments and make new friends without exposing my kids to the public me.

The page, not surprisingly is called, A Girl And Her Gun.  

I just created it today, so I have not really posted yet, as no one knows it is there, however, if you would like to follow my daily haps instead of just reading my occasional ramblings, then you can like the page and we can be friends!!!!

Hope to see you all there…